The Mistletoe Bough 1904
During a game of hide and seek, a new bride hides in a chest and remains undiscovered until a strange visitation thirty years later.
During a game of hide and seek, a new bride hides in a chest and remains undiscovered until a strange visitation thirty years later.
Prospero and his daughter Miranda must take refuge on an enchanted island. There Prospero, who himself has magical powers, releases the spirit Ariel from a spell, and also meets the savage Caliban. Then Prospero uses his powers to create a tempest that shipwrecks some of the persons who caused his exile.
A queen's ex-lover saves her from the prince who killed her father.
A car crash blows a lady with a parasol onto a steeple. An inventor with an airship comes to the rescue.
A lieutenant fights train wreckers in a tunnel, jumps from a parapet onto another train, and rows to a ship.
The Lieutenant in a car chases a count in a train and is scooped aboard with a mailbag.
A debtor's chance appearance in a newsreel proves he could not have shot his father.
A fake ghost, a gas chamber and a raid on a den of 50 coiners by 100 policemen.
A bearded man drinks goat's milk and butts people.
An amputee goes for an artificial leg. The electric leg he receives turns out to have a mind of its own.
A scout trails burglars, locks them in, and fetches police.
A drunkard reforms on overhearing a child's prayer.
A lieutenant signals the flagship to destroy an enemy chateau.
The lieutenant chases a gang across the sea and ice-floes.
The Lieutenant escapes from Boxers' torture and shells them.
The lieutenant escapes form a spy's schooner and wires for help
The lieutenant finds treasure in an underground cave and signals with a mirror for a ship to shell the Portuguese don.
The lieutenant poses as a Moor to escape a besieged embassy and shells their hideout.
A spy poses as a captured lieutenant and steals a ship. The lieutenant escapes and bombs the ship from a monoplane.
Chinese people rob an embassy and the lieutenant poses as a Chinese person to row for help.