Необичниот случај на Бенџамин Батон

Необичниот случај на Бенџамин Батон 2008


Бенџамин Батон се раѓа како 80 годишен старец во Њу Орлеанс, токму по Првата светска војна и продолжува да расте сѐ помлад како што минува времето. Батон, кој како и било кој друг човек, не е во состојба да го сопре времето, го искусува животот и својата љубов за Дејзи на чуден начин, невообичаен за остатокот од човештвото, во оваа приказна за патување низ времето, за луѓето и местата кои ги среќава Бенџамин Батон, љубовите кои ги губи и пронаоѓа, радоста на животот и тагата на смртта, и она што трае надвор од времето.



Her 2013



Emily in Paris

Emily in Paris 2020


When ambitious Chicago marketing exec Emily unexpectedly lands her dream job in Paris, she embraces a new life as she juggles work, friends and romance.


Midsomer Murders

Midsomer Murders 1997


The peacefulness of the Midsomer community is shattered by violent crimes, suspects are placed under suspicion, and it is up to a veteran DCI and his young sergeant to calmly and diligently eliminate the innocent and ruthlessly pursue the guilty.


Super Cub

Super Cub 2021


Koguma is a high school girl in Yamanashi. She has no parents, friends, or hobbies, and her daily life is empty. One day, Koguma gets a used Honda Super Cub motorcycle. This is her first time going to school on a motorcycle. Running out of gas and hitting detours become a small source of adventure in Koguma's life. She is satisfied with this strange transformation, but her classmate Reiko ends up talking to her about how she also goes to school by motorcycle. One Super Cub begins to open up a lonely girl's world, introducing her to a new everyday life and friendship.



Baantjer 1995


Baantjer is a Dutch television programme which was broadcast by RTL 4 from 6 October 1995 until 1 December 2006 for a total of 123 episodes in 12 seasons. It stars Piet Römer as Jurriaan 'Jurre' de Cock, a police detective, and Victor Reinier as Dick Vledder, his helper. The series is based on the novels of writer A. C. Baantjer. In 1999, RTL 4 broadcast the television film Baantjer, de film: De Cock en de wraak zonder einde because of the tenth anniversary of the network.