Chuck Williams Soultaker Bryan Loves You The Vampire Hunters Club Witchouse II: Blood Coven Halloween... The Happy Haunting of America! Samurai Priest Vampire Hunter Shake Off the World Double Blast Twice The Fun Up Against Amanda Puppet Master 5 Monsterama: A Tribute to Horror Hosts Dark Rider HorrorVision Ghost Gunfighter A Blind Bargain Groom Lake Bubba Ho-tep John Dies at the End Project Eliminator Night Visit Amazed By You Пиратите од Карибите: Во непознати води Ultimate Death Match Eddie Presley Demon Wind Witchouse II: Blood Coven Stitches Halloween... The Happy Haunting of America! Halloween... The Happy Haunting of America! Halloween... The Happy Haunting of America! Mil Mascaras vs. the Aztec Mummy Groom Lake Dark Rider Dark Rider Glago's Guest Shake Off the World Shake Off the World Ghost Gunfighter Ghost Gunfighter The Telling Terror Eyes Possessed Up Against Amanda Amazed By You Eddie Presley Californication