Secret Agent 1943
A double agent trying to deliver information to Washington, D.C. is chased by Nazi operatives.
A double agent trying to deliver information to Washington, D.C. is chased by Nazi operatives.
Egyptologists are attacked by mummies, drawing the attention of Superman.
Using Clark Kent as a cover, Superman travels to Japan as a saboteur during the war.
Superman has to save Lois Lane from a cult of hawk-people in an homage to Edgar Rice Burroughs's "At the Earth's Core".
Superman discovers a secret Nazi base in the jungle.
Superman vs. Japanese spies hijacking a new super-bomber.
Bluto builds a Popeye puppet and manipulates it to treat Olive rudely. Then he comes in and takes Olive away. When Popeye discovers the ruse, knocks Bluto out and ties puppet strings to him.
Superman's reputation is tarnished when a crook begins committing crimes in a Superman costume.
Popeye and Olive are touring a museum when they accidentally launch a rocketship to Mars. Olive escapes, but Popeye gets to Mars, where he is attacked (by a group led by Bluto) that was preparing to invade Earth. Fortunately, Popeye has a can of spinach handy, so he can save the Earth (turning most of the Martian war apparatus into amusement park rides).
Olive has a map to a sunken treasure, but Bluto stowed away and is determined to beat Popeye to it.
Superman has to thwart wartime saboteurs tampering with things at the Metropolis Munitions Plant...who have captured Lois Lane and loaded her into a torpedo!
Private Eye Popeye gets a call from Olive Oyl to guard a precious gem. But no sooner does he get the gem than the butler takes it.
Casper struggles to find friends who won't run away scared when they meet him.
Olive is building a house when the boys happen by. They show off a bit to convince her to let them build her house for her. She decides to split the job in half by splitting the blueprints in half and having each build one side of the house. Of course, "cooperation" isn't in their vocabulary. Bluto does an extremely sloppy job on his half, and also takes every opportunity to either sabotage Popeye or trick him into doing more work. Meanwhile, Popeye's making enough of his own mistakes, many of which seem to involve wedging Olive into small bent pipes. Eventually, Popeye has his spinach and finishes the house, but the house collapses as they are celebrating with a kiss.
Popeye and Olive are on an African safari, he with a rifle, she with a camera. Olive happens across a Tarzan-like man (Bluto), and she and he are immediately smitten with one another. Popeye catches wind of this and isn't about to stand for the jungle hunk muscling in on his girl. Let the fighting and one-upmanship begin.
It's the middle ages (sort of); Popeye is working in Bluto's Beanery. Bluto is going to the ball where Princess Olive will choose her mate. Popeye's fairy godpappy appears and it's a reverse Cinderella story, with a car created from a can of spinach.
Popeye's nephews don't want to eat their spinach, so Popeye tells them about his youth, before he liked spinach. In a Jack and the beanstalk scenario, he climbs a spinach-stalk and encounters a greedy giant. He ultimately vanquishes the giant with help from spinach that he accidentally eats from a giant can, and the nephews chow down on their sandwiches.
Baby Huey sees some little ducks playing pirate and wants to join in, but when he jumps on their raft, he sends them flying into the hungry fox's frying pan. Huey accidentally frees them when he jumps onto the fox in his enthusiasm to join them. The fox decides he'd rather pursue the gigantic Huey than the tiny ducklings, and when he overhears Huey wishing he could play pirate, the fox dresses as a pirate aboard a convenient nearby replica pirate ship.
Shore leave; Olive refuses to go out with either of the boys until they get a shave and haircut (Popeye actually has stubble). Barber Wimpy is out, so they take turns. First Popeye takes care of Bluto, making him actually look presentable; then it's Bluto's turn to give Popeye the works of course, he's going to get a different treatment.
Spinach turns Popeye into a one-man US Navy during a World War II battle against the Allies' adversaries.