Captured by a secret society known as the Faith and mentally controlled with a powerful spell, ancient demoness Lilith now lives as a young woman with no memory of her agless past. However, the terrifying plague unleashed by a rampaging monster, the Demonicos, forces one human to recruit her mystical power known as the Darklight to fight this terrifying beast...
Title | Darklight |
Year | 2004 |
Genre | Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction, TV Movie |
Country | United States of America |
Studio | Syfy, Hammerhead Productions, Unified Film Organization |
Cast | Shiri Appleby, Richard Burgi, John de Lancie, David Hewlett, Ross Manarchy |
Crew | Bill Platt (Director), Bill Platt (Writer), Ken Peters (Editor), Petya Simeonova (Makeup Artist), John Dickson (Music), Angel Manov (Art Direction) |
Release | Jan 01, 2004 |
Runtime | 90 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 5.00 / 10 by 29 users |
Popularity | 3 |