xXx: Return of Xander Cage 2017
Xander Cage kembali selepas membawa diri untuk membantu CIA memperoleh semula kotak Pandora, iaitu sebuah peranti yang boleh menukar satelit menjadi kepala peledak.
Xander Cage kembali selepas membawa diri untuk membantu CIA memperoleh semula kotak Pandora, iaitu sebuah peranti yang boleh menukar satelit menjadi kepala peledak.
Selepas krisis yang hampir meragut nyawa, seorang pembunuh menentang majikan — dan dirinya sendiri — dalam pemburuan antarabangsa yang kononnya tidak bersifat peribadi.
Three single women in their 40s, all stuck in the grind of their everyday lives, will check OUT of their comfort zones and check INTO The Groove Hotel, a magical resort on the beautiful island of the Dominican Republic - where the goal is to rediscover their youth, live joyously, and hopefully find love with men HALF. THEIR. AGE.
The life of the great Latin American seducer, Porfirio Rubirosa, will be full of women, entanglements, betrayals and heartbreaks that will put him all the time on the edge of death when he infiltrates the ranks of a dictator to help the opposition.
During the second world war, the Nazis looted everything they could get their hands on, including an estimated 600 tons of gold, thousands of pieces of artwork, and millions of priceless artifacts. While some of these items have been found, much of it remains missing. Treasure hunter Darrell Miklos believes some of these stolen riches were loaded into specially modified U-Boats that are currently lying at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. His evidence: two top-secret documents acquired over 40 years of research.
Jamaican-born Stuart Hall looks at the history of the Caribbean islands through interviews with modern inhabitants.
Documentary series.
During a family vacation in the Dominican Republic, Elena accidentally hits a man with her car. Desperate and frightened, she calls her sisters, Paula and Cris, asking for help. Upon arrival, they must decide how to handle the accident, as they cannot bear the thought of their younger sister going to jail, leaving her only child without a mother. How far will they be willing to go to help protect their family?