Frk. Vildkat 1942
Danish movie
Danish movie
Tiny Per gets its biggest wish: He becomes a scout. Sister also gets hers biggest wish: She's getting married. So now Mie take over the household and it's not going to go quietly.
Its summer and everyone are going on holiday to a small fisher town in Jutland.
A suspense tale revolving around the memories of a Danish saboteur as he awaits his execution in a German war-time prison.
The mysterious Mr. Steinmetz has acquired the ability to create things and beings by will alone. Only, after a while his creations invariably disappear. He therefore approaches a famous brain surgeon, Max Holst, who he hopes can help him with this problem. When Max refuses, Steinmetz brings his doppelgänger into being to replace him.
Everyday portrayal of a single father with four children
At home in the small family is nothing new. Tiny Per is the school's mischief maker, Sister has heartaches, Mie and Ole has to be in the school play, etc. But suddenly something happens. Good old Uncle Anders has a twin brother in the United States. He called Sofus, and now he comes home to celebrate 70th birthday. He was a troublemaker when he left and now he has become even worse
Rikki was devorced recently, and now find herself paying the bills on her own. And life is not cheap, especially when you have a young child to care for. To make ends meet, Rikki begins to frequent a bar where she can work as a prostitute.
Tiny Per has come of school age, and he has certainly not become any duller. He has joined a soccer team and they must play against the Swedes.
Flintesønnerne is a 1956 Danish family film directed by Alice O'Fredericks.
On the 9th of April 1940, the crew of a Danish merchant ship receives the news of Germany's invasion of Denmark. Instead of returning home, they vote in favor of setting course for England. The crew will undergo much hardship over the next five years ...
Den gamle godsejer Vilhelm Stone har på grund af svaghed for kvinder og spil ødelagt sit ægteskab, mistet sin søn og sine venner. Men da han dør, vender sønnen Niels hjem fra Australien for at overtage godset. Så let går det dog ikke. Sagførere trækker arvesagen i langdrag, og i første omgang arver Niels kun galophesten Ibrahim. Niels satser hårdt på at vinde årets store løb på galopbanen, og det er her Poul Reichhardt synger den berømte schlager Ibrahim til sin hest.. I kampen for at få familie-godset får Niels utrolig hjælp af sin tro følgesvend, karlen Nicholajsen.
Salgschef Lund øjner muligheden for at blive underdirektør i det babyudstyrsfirma, han arbejder i. Uheldigvis har han hverken kone eller baby. Det er ellers kvalifikationer, som både chefen og en konkurrerende kollega finder helt nødvendige. Lund lader derfor som om, han har været gift længe. Den lille nødløgn får imidlertid uoverskuelige konsekvenser, da chefen inviterer Lund og frue til middag. Lund må på jagt efter en kone til låns og så griber forviklingerne om sig i et rasende tempo.