Kelma ewlenija Falling Down Stairs
Batman Forever 1995
Twelve Monkeys 1995
Fis-sena 2035, il-kundannat James Cole b’qalbhom volontarju biex jintbagħat lura fiż-żmien biex jiskopri l-oriġini ta’ virus fatali li ħassar kważi l-popolazzjoni tad-dinja kollha u ġiegħel lis-superstiti f’komunitajiet taħt l-art. Iżda meta Cole jintbagħat bi żball fl-1990 minflok fl-1996, huwa arrestat u magħluq fi sptar mentali. Hemmhekk jiltaqa’ mal-psikjatra Dr Kathryn Railly, u mal-pazjent Jeffrey Goines, iben espert famuż tal-virus, li jista’ jkollu ċ-ċavetta tal-grupp diżonesti misterjuż, l-Armata tat-12-il Xadina, maħsub li huwa responsabbli biex joħroġ il-marda qattiela.
The Suspect 1945
The Music Box 1932
Dorian 2003
Porky Pig's Feat 1943
The Big Street 1942
In My Sleep 2010
Sleepwalker 1975
The Staircase 2004
Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, presents a gripping courtroom thriller, offering a rare and revealing inside look at a high-profile murder trial. In 2001, author Michael Peterson was arraigned for the murder of his wife Kathleen, whose body was discovered lying in a pool of blood on the stairway of their home. Granted unusual access to Peterson's lawyers, home and immediate family, de Lestrade's cameras capture the defense team as it considers its strategic options. The series is an engrossing look at contemporary American justice that features more twists than a legal bestseller.