Dancing in a Harem 1941
Ralph Peters strolls through town past a snake-charmer, ends up in a harem, and dances with the Sultan's wife. The wife is one of three female dancers, which group includes Faith (Dorn) Domergue..
Ralph Peters strolls through town past a snake-charmer, ends up in a harem, and dances with the Sultan's wife. The wife is one of three female dancers, which group includes Faith (Dorn) Domergue..
Dr. Whoozis' vitamin and exercise routine turn young girls into super-charged pin-up models
Joe Bonica sings the title song to a series of serving girls dressed in a stereotypically 'Dutch' style, albeit with very short skirts.
Arthur Whitney wants to learn about love making.
Don Kennelly with a little pirate music.
Ted Jones from Oskosh Wisconsin, orders five women by mail. They arrive for inspection in large cardboard boxes, each with the name of the girl inside: Jane, Joyce, Sue, Laura and Betty. He proceeds to make his choice.