李连杰 Ying Xiong (Hero) Lethal Weapon 4 Romeo Must Die Kiss of the Dragon Unleashed The Forbidden Kingdom The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Shao Lin Si Jet Li's Shaolin Style 殺手之王 Wong Fei Hung Once upon a time in China III Wong Fei-hung Chi Saiwik Hung Si Wong Fei Hung II: Nam Yee Tung Chi Keung Cradle 2 the Grave War The One 倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 Tai Ji Zhang San Feng The Master 冒險王 Huo Yuanjia 東方大俠 Hak Hap The Expendables 龍在天涯 投名狀 南北少林 少林小子 中華英雄 The Legend Fist of Legend The Legend II Shu Dan Long Wei Legend of the Red Dragon 中南海保鑣 笑傲江湖II東方不敗 給爸爸的信 黃飛鴻之鐵雞鬥蜈蚣 Zhong hua wu shu The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate 海洋天堂 Bai She Chuan Shuo The Expendables 2 Inferno: The Making of 'The Expendables' The Expendables 3 不二神探 少林真功夫 少林真功夫 東方巨龍 Top Fighter Jian Guo Da Ye Nonstop Sly 東方不敗之風雲再起 League of Gods 镖人 电影香江之功夫世家 Gong Shou Dao Modern Warriors 大八掛 少林海燈大師 Mulan Chop Socky: Cinema Hong Kong Unleashed 倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 Tai Ji Zhang San Feng Legend of the Red Dragon Kiss of the Dragon 中南海保鑣 Fist of Legend Huo Yuanjia 中華英雄 The Legend II 黃飛鴻之鐵雞鬥蜈蚣 Invincible Gong Shou Dao The Legend Kiss of the Dragon Kiss of the Dragon Jimmy Kimmel Live! Late Night with Conan O'Brien 一剑横空 鲁豫有约一日行 开讲啦 激荡·1978-2008 激荡·1978-2008