David Worth Jean-Claude Van Damme, coup sur coup Lady Dragon 2 Man with the Screaming Brain Kickboxer Bloodsport Shark Attack 2 Raptor Island Body Magic Adultery for Fun & Profit Adultery for Fun & Profit Body Magic Poor Pretty Eddie Poor Pretty Eddie Frat House Shark Attack 3: Megalodon Honor The Prophet's Game Chain of Command Air Strike Warrior of the Lost World Warrior of the Lost World Pink Champagne Soldier's Revenge Frat House House at the End of the Drive Hard Knocks Never Too Young to Die Time Lapse True Vengeance China Cry I Might Even Love You Bloody Trail BelliFreschi American Tigers 101 Acts of Love Time Lapse Headless Horseman Lady Dragon American Tigers Shark Attack 3: Megalodon Death Game The Night They Saved Christmas Hazard Jack Lady Dragon 2 True Vengeance Lady Dragon Hazard Jack Bloody Trail House at the End of the Drive I Might Even Love You Hard Knocks Frat House How Sweet It Is! Any Which Way You Can Death Game Black Hole Frat House Lady Dragon Bronco Billy How Sweet It Is! Pink Champagne Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys A Great Ride The Prophet's Game Pink Champagne Body Magic Doing It Poor Pretty Eddie Lady Dragon 2