
Gudfaren 1972


I årene 1945 til 1955, en historie om den fiktive italiensk-amerikanske mafiafamilien, Corleone. Når familiens patriark Vito Corleone, så vidt overlever et drapsforsøk, går hans yngste sønn, Michael inn for å ta seg av drapsmennene, og starter en gjengjeldelse med blodig hevn.


The Equalizer 3

The Equalizer 3 2023


Siden han ga opp livet som leiemorder for CIA, har Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) kjempet for å forsone seg med grusomhetene han har begått, og finner trøst i å kjempe for rettferdighet for de undertrykte. Han føler seg hjemme i Sør-Italia, men oppdager at hans nye venner er under kontroll av noen lokale kriminelle ledere. Når hendelsene blir dødelige, vet McCall hva han må gjøre: Beskytte vennene ved å stå opp mot mafiaen.


Gudfaren 2

Gudfaren 2 1974


I fortsettelsen i sagaen om familien Corleone, vokser en ung Vito Corleone opp på Sicilia på 1910-tallet New York. På 1950-tallet forsøker Michael Corleone å utvide familievirksomheten til Las Vegas, Hollywood og Cuba.


Gudfaren 3

Gudfaren 3 1990


Midt i forsøket på å legitimere sine forretningsvirksomhet i New York og Italia i 1979, søker en aldrende mafia don, Michael Corleone tilgivelse for sine synder mens han tar en unge nevø Vincent Mancini under sine vinger.


La Dolce Villa

La Dolce Villa 2025


Datteren bestemmer seg for å kjøpe en falleferdig villa i Toscana, og Eric reiser til Italia for å få henne fra det – men finner i stedet skjønnhet, romantikk og et nytt mål.


John Wick: Chapter 2

John Wick: Chapter 2 2017


John Wick blir tvunget ut av pensjoneringen av en tidligere bekjent som ønsker å ta kontroll over en lyssky internasjonal leiemorder-klan. Bundet av en blod-ed for å bistå ham, reiser Wick til Roma og kjemper mot flere av verdens farligste mordere.



Luca 2021



Casino Royale

Casino Royale 2006


Casino Royale introduserer James Bond før han har fått tillatelse til å drepe. Men Bond er ikke mindre farlig av den grunn, og med to profesjonelle bestillingsmord i rask rekkefølge heves han til "00"-status. "M", sjef for den britiske etterretningstjenesten, sender den nylig forfremmede 007 på hans første oppdrag. Dette bringer ham til Madagaskar, Bahamas og til slutt Montenegro. Bond utfordrer den hensynsløse finansmannen Le Chiffre, i et pokerspill med høye innsatser på Casino Royale, der Le Chiffre prøver å vinne tilbake penger han er skyldig terrorister som truer ham. "M" plasserer Bond under nøye oppsyn av Vesper Lynd fra finansdepartementet. Bond er først skeptisk til hva Vesper kan bidra med, men etter hvert som de sammen trosser farer, blir han stadig mer interessert i henne. Le Chiffres sluhet og ondskap får følger for dem begge på en måte Bond aldri kunne forestille seg, og han lærer sin viktigste lekse: Stol aldri på noen.



Pinocchio 1940


Walt Disneys fantasifylte og magiske eventyr starter en natt i den snille dukkemakeren Gepettos verksted. På en hylle sitter hans tredukke Pinocchio stille, men så kommer Ønskefeen og vekker dukken til live – akkurat som Gepetto ønsket seg. Men Pinocchio har mye å lære av livet før han kan regnes som en ekte gutt og får derfor hjelp av den kloke Timmi Gresshoppe, som skal lære ham hva som er rett og galt. For Timmi Gresshoppe blir det en krevende utfordring og forsøke å holde Pinocchio på rett vei…


Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio

Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio 2022


Den Oscar-belønte filmskaperen Guillermo del Toro fornyer den klassiske historien om tredukken som blir levende, i denne vakre musikalske stop-motion-historien.


Terra Nostra

Terra Nostra 1999


This top-seller recounts the saga of Italians who immigrated to Brazil during the XIX century, seeking their fortunes in America. The forbidden love between Giulliana and Matteo flowers in the midst of the sweeping changes ushered in by the arrival of these Europeans in Brazilian towns. This great epic has thrilled viewers in more than eighty countries.


Thou Shalt Not Kill

Thou Shalt Not Kill 2015


Stubborn and determined detective Valeria Ferro endeavors to solve the challenging puzzle behind crimes motivated by jealousy, vendettas and repressed anger to seek the truth and justice. All as she struggles with her own demons and the phantoms of her past that come back to life when her mother is released from jail after serving a seventeen-year prison sentence.



Gomorrah 2014


Based on Robert Saviano's bestselling book, this gritty Italian crime drama paints a portrait of the brutal Neapolitan crime organisation the Camorra, as seen through the eyes of Ciro Di Marzo, the obedient and self- confident right-hand man of the clan's godfather, Pietro Savastano.



Empire 2005


As Conqueror Julius Caesar is drawing his last breath, he swears Tyrannus—Rome's finest warrior—to an oath to protect his successor, Octavius, his 18-year-old nephew. Tyrannus and Octavius are forced into exile to protect the young man from those who want to sever Caesar's bloodline once and for all.


Da Vinci's Demons

Da Vinci's Demons 2013


The series follows the "untold" story of Leonardo Da Vinci: the genius during his early years in Renaissance Florence. As a 25-year old artist, inventor, swordsman, lover, dreamer and idealist, he struggles to live within the confines of his own reality and time as he begins to not only see the future, but invent it.


Don't Leave Me

Don't Leave Me 2022


Police officer Elena deals with cyber crimes and violence against children. The discovery of a young boy's body in the Venetian Lagoon brings her back to the city she left twenty years earlier.



Crimini 2006


Anthology crime series penned by some of the foremost contemporary Italian noir writers (Camilleri, Faletti, De Cataldo, Carofiglio, Lucarelli, Fois...)


SKAM Italia

SKAM Italia 2018


Millennials experience first love and discover their emerging identities in this teen drama told partly through texts, chats and social media posts.


Violet like the sea

Violet like the sea 2022


Viola Vitale, Miss Italy and fashion journalist, returns to Sicily to look for her father. She starts working for a digital news company and joins police inspector Francesco Demir in solving crime with the help of synesthesia.


Summer Days

Summer Days 2012


The series tells the story of Dana, Dafi, Elinor, and Tamar ,four good friends.


The Leopard

The Leopard 2025


Amid the unification of 1860s Italy, a Sicilian prince grapples with the collision between his family's ancient privilege and revolutionary change.


The Lions of Sicily

The Lions of Sicily 2023


Follow brothers Paolo and Ignazio, two small spice merchants who have escaped from a Calabria stuck in the past in search of social redemption. In Sicily they invent a future, turning a small, run-down shop into a flourishing business that young Vincenzo, with his revolutionary ideas, will transform into an economic empire.


The Octopus

The Octopus 1993


The 1993 Telenorba sit-com written and directed by Gennaro Nunziante. The Show it's a parody, in Apulian dialect sauce, of the Michele Placido starring series "La Piovra" (1984) A bloody feud features two families, the Inpetto and the Sanguellatte. At the origin of it all is a wrong suffered on a Sunday morning many years earlier. Rocco Sanguellatte's mother, intent on preparing the traditional ragout, realized she lacked parsley, essential for seasoning the braciole. She then went to ask for some from across the street, that is, Freddy Inpetto's mother, who, however, apologized, telling her that she had none in the house, dismissing her. Shortly thereafter, Rocco, having met his friend Freddy, noticed something green between his teeth, identifying it precisely as parsley, thus inferring disrespect to his mother and thus beginning the tragedy.


Elisa di Rivombrosa

Elisa di Rivombrosa 2003


Set in Piemonte of Carlo Emanuele III, Elisa di Rivombrosa tells the love story between Count Fabrizio Ristori and the maid Elisa Scalzi, lady companion of countess Agnes, mother of Fabrizio. The couple will face many difficulties, intrigues of all kinds, a mockery of fate and various misfortunes.


The New Pope

The New Pope 2020


As Pope Pius XIII hangs between life and death in a coma, charming and sophisticated moderate English aristocrat Sir John Brannox is placed on the papal throne and adopts the name John Paul III. A sequel series to “The Young Pope.”



1992 2015


As a major criminal investigation tries to stem the flow of corruption, Italy is poised on the brink of collapse.





A grifter in 1960s New York is hired to convince a wealthy man's son to return home from Italy and begins a life of deceit, fraud and murder.



Intersection 2016


Naz who is a paediatrician loses her baby during pregnancy. Even though her husband wants another baby, she refuses to go through the same thing all over again. She goes to Italy for a conference and meets Ali Nejat there.


Mafia Only Kills in Summer

Mafia Only Kills in Summer 2016


Palermo, 1979. The Giammarresi are a normal family — father, mother, a ten year old son and a daughter of sixteen — struggling with the problems of everyday life. Seemingly ordinary problems, oh, and the Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian Mafia. Inspired by Pierfrancesco “Pif” Diliberto's film.