
Avatar 2009


Jake Sully, en tidligere marinesoldat nå lenket til en rullestol, blir rekruttert til å reise lysår unna til den fjerne månen Pandora. Her får Jake i oppdrag å være med å kjempe en kamp for å få tak i et sjeldent mineral som kan redde jordens energikrise. Fordi atmosfæren på Pandora er giftig har det blitt opprettet et eget Avatar program, hvor mennesker kobles via bevisstheten til en Avatar. Disse Avatarene er et genetisk hybrid mellom menneskelig DNA blandet med DNA av de innfødte på Pandora kalt Na'vi. Gjenfødt i sin Avatar kan Jake endelig gå igjen. Han får i oppdrag å infiltrere de innfødte, da de er et stort hinder for å få tak i det dyrebare mineralet. Men når en vakker kvinnelig Na'vi redder livet til Jake, blir alt forandret. Han blir bergtatt av hennes klan, og velger å lede deres kamp for å redde en hel sivilisasjon.


Ace Ventura 2 - Naturen kaller

Ace Ventura 2 - Naturen kaller 1995


Tilkallet fra et ashram i Tibet, finner Ace seg på en farefull reise inn i Afrikas jungel for å finne Shikaka, det savnede hellige dyret i den vennlige Wachati-stammen. Han må gjøre dette før prinsessens av Wachatis bryllup med prinsen av Wachootoos. Hvis Ace mislykkes, vil det ende i en grusom stammekrig.


10 000 BC

10 000 BC 2008


I en tidsalder der mennesker og beist barker sammen i kampen for tilværelsen, må en ung kriger overbevise seg selv og stammen om at han er den som er utpekt til å redde dem fra undergangen. Samtidig kan han vinne kjærligheten. I en avsides fjellstamme har den unge jegeren D'Leh funnet sitt hjertes lidenskap - vakre Evolet. Når en gruppe mystiske krigsherrer plyndrer landsbyen hans og kidnapper Evolet, må D'Leh føre en liten gruppe jegere på sporet av krigsherrene til verdens ende for å redde henne. Den usannsynlige samlingen krigere er preget av skjebnen. De må kjempe mot forhistoriske rovdyr, og på slutten av sin heltemodige reise oppdager de en tapt sivilisasjon. Deres endelige skjebne bestemmes i et imperium hinsides fatteevnen, der enorme pyramider strekker seg mot himmelen. Her må de gå til kamp mot en mektig gud som har gjort folket deres til slaver.


Rez Ball

Rez Ball 2024


Et basketballag fra et reservat for amerikanske urinnvånere mister stjernespilleren sin, og må samarbeide for å holde liv i drømmen om delstatsmesterskapet.


Dead Man

Dead Man 1995


På 1800-tallet reiser revisoren William Blake vestover for å søke jobb. Han blir alvorlig skadeskutt og fort en etterlyst mann. Han møter en indianer som tror han er den døde britiske poeten William Blake.


Novo Mundo

Novo Mundo 2017


Anna Millman is a portuguese teacher, she falls for Joaquim Martinho, an actor. Both meet in Europe and travel to Brazil together with the future princess of Brazil, Leopoldina from Austria. The romance between the teacher and the actor evolves during a time of revolution, the independence of Brazil



Kairākau 2016


Set in pre-colonial Aotearoa, we see the lives of three prominent chiefs doing whatever it takes to keep their people safe and maintain their chiefly honour.


Dark Winds

Dark Winds 2022


This psychological thriller follows two Navajo police officers, Leaphorn and Chee, in the 1970s Southwest as their search for clues in a grisly double murder case forces them to challenge their own spiritual beliefs and come to terms with the trauma of their pasts.


Green Frontier

Green Frontier 2019


When a young Bogotá-based detective gets drawn into the jungle to investigate four femicides, she uncovers magic, an evil plot and her own true origins.


Exterminate All the Brutes

Exterminate All the Brutes 2021


Hybrid docuseries offering an expansive exploration of the exploitative and genocidal aspects of European colonialism, from America to Africa, and its impact on society today.


Basketball or Nothing

Basketball or Nothing 2019


Follow the lives of the Chinle High basketball team in Arizona's Navajo Nation on a quest to win a state championship and bring pride to their isolated community.


Standing on Sacred Ground

Standing on Sacred Ground 2014


Indigenous people resist government mega-projects, consumer culture, competing religions, resource extraction and climate change in this four-part documentary series. In the US and around the world, native communities share ecological wisdom and spiritual reverence while battling a utilitarian view of land.


Dans un territoire près de chez vous

Dans un territoire près de chez vous 2022


Young people from 11 Indigenous nations across Quebec take part in expeditions where they can put their ancestral know-how to use, discover the earth's resources and test their physical endurance!


Unknown Amazon with Pedro Andrade

Unknown Amazon with Pedro Andrade 2021


See the real modern-day Amazonia through an exploration of the Amazon Basin, meeting a different group of people who live there in each episode.


Blue Water Empire

Blue Water Empire 2019


A dramatised-documentary series giving a unique insight into the compelling history of the Torres Strait Islands, told through key stories by the men and women of the region.


Ningaloo Nyinggulu

Ningaloo Nyinggulu 2023


Science-based documentary about the extraordinary wonders of one of the last intact wild places left on Earth – Ningaloo, a refuge for thousands of species of wildlife unknown, extinct, or endangered elsewhere.



Trickster 2020


An Indigenous teen struggles to support his dysfunctional family as myth, magic, and monsters slowly infiltrate his life.



Konnected.TV 2016


Follow Pakesso Mukash on his quest into Indigenous cultures across the Americas to find a young generation of “tradition keepers”: those who have been chosen to preserve tradition, cultural and spiritual knowledge, and awaken others to find a place for themselves in a modern world. A journey along which we will witness their revival and celebrate their culture, this is Konnected.tv.


Tribe with Bruce Parry

Tribe with Bruce Parry 2025


In the furthest corners of the planet, indigenous groups lead radically different lives. Bruce Parry visits three tribal communities who have never had outsiders to stay before.


Imagining Indians

Imagining Indians 1970


Imagining Indians is a 1992 documentary film produced and directed by Native American filmmaker, Victor Masayesva, Jr.. The documentary attempts to reveal the misrepresentation of Indigenous Native American culture and tradition in Classical Hollywood films by interviews with different Indigenous Native American actors and extras from various tribes throughout the United States. With an all-Indian crew, Victor Masayesva visited tribal communities in Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota, Washington and the Amazon to produce this film. Masayesva says, "Coming from a village which became embroiled in the filming of Darkwind, a Hollywood production on the Hopi Reservation, I felt a keen responsibility as a community member, not an individual, to address these impositions on our tribal lives. Even as our communities say no, outsiders are responding to this as a challenge instead of respecting our feelings... I have come to believe that the sacred aspects of our existence which encourages the continuity and vitality of Native peoples are being manipulated by an aesthetic in which money is the most important qualification. This contradicts the values intrinsic to what's sacred and may destroy our substance. I am concerned about a tribal and community future which is reflected in my film and I hope this challenges the viewer to overcome glamorized Hollywood views of the Native American, which obscures the difficult demands of walking the spiritual road of our ancestors."


Deadman's Curse

Deadman's Curse 2022


Taylor Starr, Adam Palmer, Kru Williams, and Don Froese band together to solve the legend of Slumach's lost gold mine.