Ringeren i Notre Dame

Ringeren i Notre Dame 1996


Høyt over husene i Paris bor den pukkelryggede og godhjertede Quasimodo i ett av klokketårnene i den ruvende Notre Dame-katedralen. Her deler han tilværelse med tre helsprøe steinfigurer. Lengselsfullt stirrer han og de tre kompisene ned på torget der årets fest for gjøglere, narrer og vanlige folk pågår for fullt. Quasimodo vil så gjerne være med. Derfor trosser han den strenge formynderen Frollos forbud mot å forlate klokketårnet. Modig kaster han seg ut i det ukjente, til festen og den verdenen han så lenge har drømt om å være en del av. Vel ute møter han den vakre sigøynersken Esmeralda og hennes livlige geit Djali. Sammen dras de inn i et halsbrekkende eventyr fylt av spenning og overraskelser.



XOXO 2016



The Duke of Death and His Maid

The Duke of Death and His Maid 2021


Due to a childhood curse, anything that the Duke touches will die - which makes his flirty maid’s behavior all the more shocking! Can the Duke and his companions break the curse, or is he doomed to a life where love is forever out of his reach?


Seasoning the Seasons

Seasoning the Seasons 2012


This program visits places across Japan to introduce the charms of their local daily life and festivals fostered by the nation's long history.


Tony's Indian Colors

Tony's Indian Colors 2016


Chase and beat you on behalf of peace? Smudge your cheeks for love? India, a country that is unequal in the eyes of others, has a wild and joyful "Festival of Colors". Tony will take you to Jaisalmer, the ancient desert city in the westernmost part of India, to participate in local religious ceremonies, to understand the origin of the Festival of Colors, and to visit local families to learn how to cook authentic special snacks and snacks. drinks. Ready to go, the festival of colors is about to start, but Tony and the entire film crew have killed each other beforehand and threw paintballs at each other. Will this reduce the risk of them being "attacked"?