
Kapteinen 2018


I de siste desperate øyeblikkene av andre verdenskrig kjemper en ung tysk soldat for overlevelse. Vi befinner oss bak fronten inne i det tredje rike. Etter å ha blitt jaget som desertør, finner soldaten ved et lykketreff en forlatt bil i det postapokalyptiske landskapet. I bilen finner Herold en uniform som skal komme til å gi ham en helt ny status. Med kapteinsuniformen følger en autoritet og makt med, som Herold ikke visste at han hadde smak for før den blir satt i spill. Han påtar seg denne kapteinens identitet, og dermed også regimet han prøvde å flykte fra sitt stempel.


Undergangens arkitektur

Undergangens arkitektur 1989


Da Hitler introduserte det nazistiske grunnlaget var det med et dedikert mål om å dyrke estetiske idealer. Hitler ønsket, gjennom en målrettet renselsesprosess, å føre samfunnet tilbake til det vakre og rene. Dette fortapte samfunnet skulle reise seg gjennom storslått arkitektur, og det dekadente uttrykket som hadde infisert kunsten og kulturlivet skulle fjernes. Undergangens arkitektur er en rystende skildring av hvordan det lyktes en fordervet visjon å få fotfeste i en hel nasjon, for deretter å utvikle seg til en politisk ideologi. Med oppsiktsvekkende og delvis aldri tidligere vist materiale skildres hvordan nazismen på veien mot katastrofen kantes av en pervertert skjønnhetslengsel og hvordan Hitlers ambisjon om med vold å forskjønne verden strekker seg helt inn i den nazistiske utrydningspolitikkens gasskamre. Denne dokumentaren har vakt stor og internasjonal oppmerksomhet og blitt vist på kino og TV over hele verden.


The Shield and the Sword

The Shield and the Sword 1968


The year is 1940 and Nazi Germany is at the height of its military prowess, having captured most of Europe and eyeing the Soviet Union to the East. The Russian military command suspects hostile intent from Germany and so arranges for its spies to infiltrate ranks of the German military and the SS. Alexander Belov is a Russian spy, who travels from Soviet-held Latvia to Nazi Germany under an alias of Johann Weiss. His mastery of the German language, steel nerves and an ability to manipulate others help him to use his connections in the SS to ascend the ladder of the German intelligence. He uses his position to identify sympathetic Germans, who help him to procure vital intelligence, and to help local resistance movements in their collective fight against Nazism.


Einsatzgruppen: The Nazi Death Squads

Einsatzgruppen: The Nazi Death Squads 2009


This documentary series examines the Einsatzgruppen, Nazis responsible for the mass murder of Jews, Romani and Soviet prisoners in Eastern Europe.


Speer & Hitler: The Devil's Architect

Speer & Hitler: The Devil's Architect 2005


A reassessment of the role Albert Speer played in the Third Reich. Speer, who was ultimately convicted at the Nuremburg trials and served a 20-year prison sentence, was known for designing many of the Third Reich's buildings and for being Hitler's minister for war production.


Apocalypse: The Fall of Hitler

Apocalypse: The Fall of Hitler 2023


Summer 1943: Hitler engages in a decisive battle in Kursk to win the war in the East. This is without counting on the pugnacity of the Red Army and the Allied intervention in the West. Month after month, the noose tightens on the Nazi tyrant who refuses to admit defeat and precipitates his country in its fall.


Twist of Fate

Twist of Fate 1989


SS-Lieutenant Colonel Helmut Von Schreader conceives an unusual plan to escape the aftermath of the Second World War by disguising himself as a Jewish Concentration Camp victim. Under the alias of Ben Grossman, Von Schreader is liberated from the camps and immigrates to Palestine where he joins the Zionist movement. Twenty five years later, living as a hero of Israel and a General in the Israeli Army, the underground SS organization ODESSA locates Von Schreader and orders to him to again serve the cause of the Third Reich.


The Abyss – Rise and Fall of the Nazis

The Abyss – Rise and Fall of the Nazis 2021


Explores the Third Reich from a contemporary perspective to investigate how the Nazis managed to conquer Germany and then half of Europe in the wake of World War I.


Eva Braun or the Banality of Evil

Eva Braun or the Banality of Evil 2007


Daniel Costelle and Isabelle Clarke have found at the NARA (National Archives in Washington DC) almost four hours of footage, mostly in colour, filmed by Hitler's mistress, Eva Braun between 1938 and 1944. It's an unbeleivable eyesight on Hitler's private life from the happy life in the "Eagle's nest" till his suicide in his bunker.


Hitler – The First 100 Days

Hitler – The First 100 Days 2023


It is customary to give every new government 100 days to draw an initial summary of its work, its successes, its failures, its prospects. A “grace period” that also applied to Chancellor Adolf Hitler. However, he uses them more radically for his goals than anyone before him. This is what this series tells about – as a canon of contemporary voices. Diary entries from all over Germany document different perspectives, perceptions and very private things. How can a civilized country, a democratic state, turn into a brutal dictatorship in just a few weeks?


1914-1945: They Made History

1914-1945: They Made History 2016


Between 1914 and 1945, two major conflicts engulfed the planet. Among the combatants of the First World War, eight men would play a decisive role in the next one.