Nøkkelord Norfolk
Spencer 2021
Possum 2018
The Eagle Has Landed 1976
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa 2013
Når den berømte DJen Alan Partridges radiostasjon blir ovetatt av et nytt mediakonglomerat, settes enn kjede av begivenheter i gang, noe som gjør at Alan må samarbeide med politiet for å forhindre voldsepisoder. Alan Partridge er et fenomen i Storbritannia, en oppdiktet kjendis med fengende slagord, syke metaforer og sosial udugelighet som varemerker. Han dukket først opp på BBC Radio 4 i 1991 før han fikk sitt eget parodiske talkshow “Knowing Me, Knowing You … With Alan Partridge.” Siden da har Partridges karriere, i hvertfall i hans eget oppdiktede univers, gått nedover. Bunnen ble nådd da han i 1997 mistet sitt populære TV-show og, midt i en midtlivskrise, ble nødt til gå tilbake til jobben som lokal DJ på en lokal stasjon i hjembyen Norwich, kjent for sine mange kirker og puber – og for å være litt kjedelig.
The Go-Between 1971
Borstal Boy 2001
Waterland 1992
A Day on the Broads 1929
Call Me Captain 1961
Turkeys for Xmas 1915
Police: Suspect No.1 2020
Exploring the intricacies of producing irrefutable evidence, conducting interviews and finding ways to make the guilty confess.
Seal Morning 1986
In 1930s England, an orphaned girl and her lovely aunt raise an abandoned seal pup.
A Passion for Churches 1970
A Passion for Churches is a 1974 BBC television documentary written and presented by the then Poet Laureate Sir John Betjeman and produced and directed by Edward Mirzoeff. Commissioned as a follow-up to the critically acclaimed 1973 documentary Metro-land, the film offers Betjeman's personal poetic record of the goings-on taking place throughout the Anglican Diocese of Norwich and its churches in the run-up to Easter Sunday using the framing device of the Holy sacraments. Created with the approval of the Bishop of Norwich, Maurice Wood, the 49-minute film was shot on location in Norfolk and parts of Suffolk throughout the spring of 1974 on 16 mm colour film by cameraman John McGlashan. For the film, John Betjeman wrote an original poetic commentary consisting of blank verse, free verse, and prose and he appeared on-screen in several segments to describe features of ecclesiastical buildings and to reminisce about his lifelong "passion for churches". The programme was praised by critics upon its original BBC 2 screening in December 1974 and gained high audience appreciation figures. It has since been repeated on BBC Four in 2006. It was released on a limited-edition DVD in 2007.