Om forlatelse 2007
13 år gamle Briony anklager en ung mann for en forbrytelse etter å ha oppdaget et lidenskapelig brev og blir vitne til et seksuelt møte mellom ham og søsteren hennes.
13 år gamle Briony anklager en ung mann for en forbrytelse etter å ha oppdaget et lidenskapelig brev og blir vitne til et seksuelt møte mellom ham og søsteren hennes.
I London under andre verdenskrig blir ni år gamle George evakuert til landsbygda av sin mor, Rita, for å unnslippe bombene. Trassig og fast bestemt på å vende tilbake til familien sin, legger George ut på en episk, farefull reise hjem mens Rita leter etter ham.
The Second World War In Colour [1999] is a three-part documentary which reveals hours of previously unseen colour film of World War II. As almost all newsreel film was shot in black and white, this DVD offers a completely new portrait of the war. Dramatic colour footage from as early as 1933 shows home movies of Adolf Hitler and his cohorts, the devastation wrought by the Blitzkrieg, life on the home front, D-Day and the Allied invasion of France, British bombers defying German fighters, the horror of the Holocaust that troops met as they entered Germany, and the jubilation of the final Allied victory. With John Thaw's narration intercut with spoken accounts from the letters and diaries of those who fought, those who survived, and those the war claimed as victims, this documentary is an extraordinary remembrance of a monumental time in world history.
Documentary series examining the effects of individual bombs that fell during the Blitz, from their initial impact on individual lives right through to their consequences for World War Two and the present day.