Lilo & Stitch

Lilo & Stitch 2002


Lilo er en ensom liten jente fra Hawaii, som adopterer en liten hund med et særdeles merkelig utseende som hun gir navnet Stitch. Stitch ville vært det perfekte kjæledyr, hadde det ikke vært for at han egentlig er et gentisk eksperiment som har rømt fra en fremmed planet og på sin flukt krasjet på jorden. Men Lilo er kjærlig, trofast og med en urokkelig tro på "ohana" (det hawaiiske familiebegrepet), og finner dermed veien til Stitchs hjerte og gir ham det han aldri var ment å ha - en familie og evnen til å bry seg om andre.



Tarzan 1999


Når Tarzan svinger seg i lianene går det unna! Så hold deg fast og bli med på tidenes mest spennende og fartsfylte jungeleventyr! Følg med Tarzan fra den dagen han som foreldreløs baby blir tatt hånd om av gorillamoren Kala, til han som ung mann er blitt en mester i å klatre og ”surfe” i trærne, høyt over bakken i jungelen. De beste vennene hans er den lettskremte elefanten Tantor og den ville gorillaungen Terk, og sammen har de alltid noen rampestreker på gang. Men i jungelen lurer også store farer, og Tarzans liv forandres for alltid den dagen han møter mennesker for første gang. En samvittighetsløs gorillajeger har startet en hensynsløs jakt på gorillafamilien, og Tarzan gjør alt for å hjelpe dem. Samtidig får han øye på noe han aldri tidligere har sett. Den vakre Jane...


The Blind Side

The Blind Side 2009


I dette sportsdramaet basert på en sann historie, tar et velstående ektepar inn en hjemløs tenåring og hjelper ham til å bli en dyktig fotballspiller.


Little Man

Little Man 2006


Etter en årrekke i fengsel bestemmer verdens minste diamanttyv, Calvin Sims (Marlon Wayans), seg for å trekke seg tilbake fra all kriminell virksomhet. Men en nådeløs skurk tilbyr Calvin og hans tidligere partner Percy P (Tracy Morgan) $100,000 for å stjele den berømte Queen diamanten. Fristelsen blir for stor, så han bestemmer seg for å gjøre et siste kupp. Når de finner hull i gullsmedens sikkerhetsrutiner, regner de med at jobben blir barnemat. Men noe går galt og Calvin må slippe diamanten i vesken til en av kundene, Vanessa Edwards (Kerry Washington). Vanessa og hennes mann har etter lengre tids barnløshet bestemt seg for å adoptere, så for å stjele diamanten tilbake kler Calvin seg i babyklær og plasseres på trammen til familien Edwards.


Familien Robinson

Familien Robinson 2007


Bli med på ditt livs reise i Disneys suverene Klassiker Familien Robinson – et spennende eventyr som tar deg med til en helt ny verden full av fantasi og overraskelser. Lewis er en brilliant oppfinner som gir seg i kast med en reise i tiden for å lete etter sin familie som han aldri har møtt. I den fantastiske verdenen som Lewis møter i år 2037, er syngende frosker, hunder med briller og snakkende dinosaurer helt normalt. I sin søken oppdager Lewis plutselig at fremtidens skjebne hviler i hans hender. Men han kan ikke redde verden alene – han trenger hjelp til å se fremover og få tro på seg selv og sine idéer. Med andre ord trenger han assistanse av den skrudde familien Robinson!


Peabody & Sherman

Peabody & Sherman 2014


Hr. Peabody er en oppfinner, businessmann, forsker, gourmetkokk, to ganger Olympisk mester og et geni...som tilfeldigvis også er en hund. Ved å bruke den mest fantastiske oppfinnelsen, tidsreisemaskinen TILBAK, reiser han og adoptivsønnen Sherman tilbake i tid og opplever noen av de største hendelser i jordens historie. På sin reise treffer Peabody & Sherman noen av menneskehetens mest kjente personligheter - blant annet Leonardo DaVinci, Marie Antoinette, Agamemnon, Akilles og Tutankhamon for å nevne noen. Når Sherman ved en feil bryter regelen for tidsreise, befinner de seg plutselig i et race for å reparere historien og for å redde fremtiden.


Flintstones i Viva Rock Vegas

Flintstones i Viva Rock Vegas 1994


Hvordan begynte eventyret om Flintstones og Rubbles og hvordan møtte Fred og Barney Wilma og Betty? Wilma Slaghoople er en bortskjemt rik jente som nekter å gifte seg med den snobbete Chip Rockefeller som moren har valgt ut. Når Wilma møter Fred og Barney møter Betty blir det alt annet enn problemfritt. Når bestevennen hans Barney Rubble bestemmer seg for å ta med jenta si Betty for en uforglemmelig helg i Rock Vegas, inviterer Fred også Wilma. Ingenting kan stoppe dem og kjærligheten de har for hverandre, bortsett fra denuærlige Chip Rockefeller, som også har som mål å gifte seg med Wilma.


A.I. Kunstig Intelligens

A.I. Kunstig Intelligens 2001


En robotgutt, den første som er programmert til å elske, blir David som en testsak adoptert til en av Cybertronics ansatte og hans kone. Selv om han etter hvert blir som deres barn, gjør en rekke uventede omstendigheter dette livet umulig for David. Uten endelig anerkjennelse av mennesker eller maskiner, begynner David på en reise for å oppdage hvor han virkelig tilhører. Avdekker en verden seg der forskjellen mellom robot og maskin er både stor og fryktelig liten.


Stuart Little

Stuart Little 1999


Bli med på moroa når Little-familien adopterer en artig gutt som heter Stuart, som ligner på en mus. Mr. Og Mrs. Little forelsker seg i Stuart med én gang.



Elf 2003


En Juleaften for lenge siden, krøp et lite barn opp i sekken til Julenissen da han besøkte et barnehjem. Uten at Julenissen oppdaget det, ble barnet med tilbake til Nordpolen. Når de så oppdaget det, ble han tatt vare på av en av Julenissens beste hjelpere og oppfostret som alv. Men etterhvert som han vokser seg til og blir tre ganger så stor som de andre alvene skjønner han at han ikke passer inn i alvenes verden. Så Elf bestemmer seg for å dra til New York for å finne tilbake til røttene sine og finne sin biologiske far. Men alle i New York har mistet troen på både Julenissen og alvene.



Juno 2007


Juno MacGuff er en kul, selvsikker tenåring som tar en ni måneder lang rundtur i de voksnes verden på grunn av en ikke planlagt graviditet og bestemmer seg for å finne de perfekte foreldrene til babyen sin. Med hjelp fra sin sjarmerende, beskjedne kjæreste, en forståelsesfull far og en nøktern stemor velger Juno ut et velstående ektepar som gleder seg til å adoptere sitt første barn.



Lion 2016



What to Expect

What to Expect 2012


For fitness-guruen Jules og dansestjernen Evan blir en overraskende graviditet en strek i regningen. Wendy derimot gleder seg sammen med mannen Gary. Samtidig gjør Garys far sin unge trofékone Skyler gravid. Holly vurderer å adoptere et barn, mens Rosie og Marco får en overraskelse, allerede før første date.



Purpurfargen 1985


Året er 1906 og stedet er en småby i sørstatene. Den knapt 14 år gamle Celie blir mor til to små. Ungenes far er hennes stefar, som i lang tid har misbrukt henne. Han tar fra henne barna og nekter å fortelle henne noe om deres skjebne. Når Celies stefar blir lei av henne, gir han henne bort til en like voldelig enkemann, og mishandlingen fortsetter. Celie tømmer sitt hjerte i brevform, først til Gud og så til sin fraværende søster, Nettie. Det er ikke før i 1921, når blues-sangerinnen Shug Avery kommer inn i livet hennes, at Celie begynner å skjønne at hun er verdt noe. Hun innser at hun har rett til et verdig liv, og at det finnes et hav av muligheter for å oppnå det.


Eventyr i Alaska

Eventyr i Alaska 2002


Når Miami-tannlegen Ted Brooks (Cuba Gooding Jr.) får vite at han er tilgodesett i sin biologiske mors testamente, reiser han til Alaska for å gjøre krav på arven. Når han kommer dit, faller imidlertid drømmene hans i grus. Han oppdager at det han har arvet er en gjeng ustyrlige sledehunder - Diesel, Scooper, Nana, Yodel, Sniff, Mack, Duchess og Demon - som alle klør etter å sette tennene i ham. Og for å gjøre vondt verre er den gretne fjellkaren Thunder Jack (James Coburn) også ute etter den nyankomne grønnskollingen. Jack som vil ha hundene selv oppfordrer Ted til å ta beina på nakken, og komme seg sørover tilbake til varmere strøk igjen. Men etter hvert som Teds liv går i hundene, sverger han på at han skal bli en dyktig hundekjører, koste hva det koste vil.


Cheer Up, Mr. Kim!

Cheer Up, Mr. Kim! 2012


A family drama involving a 32-year-old unmarried man who is raising four children! Kim Tae Pyung is a domestic helper and a legal guardian for four children who are not related by blood. Mr. Kim and his children go through a range of difficulties on their way to becoming a family. Let’s find out how they learn to accept each other as family members and become a true family!


Home for Summer

Home for Summer 2019


The world is changing and living as a big family is a culture that withered down. These days, it’s even hard to see a nuclear family with so many single people living alone. Living with family brings endless conflicts as much as it brings comfort and a solid shoulder to cry on. Through a young lady named Geum Hui, Home for Summer is a drama about not giving up hope on finding the true meaning of family.





World peace is at stake and secret agent Twilight must undergo his most difficult mission yet—pretend to be a family man. Posing as a loving husband and father, he'll infiltrate an elite school to get close to a high-profile politician. He has the perfect cover, except his wife's a deadly assassin and neither knows each other's identity. But someone does: his adopted daughter, who's a telepath!


This Is Us

This Is Us 2016


Follows the lives and families of three adults living and growing up in the United States of America in present and past times. As their paths cross and their life stories intertwine in curious ways, we find that several of them share the same birthday - and so much more than anyone would expect.


Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun

Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun 2019


Fourteen-year-old Iruma Suzuki has just been abandoned and sold to a demon by his irresponsible parents! Surprisingly, the next thing he knows he's living with the demon who has adopted him as his new grandson and has been transferred into a school in the Netherworld where his new demon grandfather works as the principal. Thus begins the cowardly Iruma-kun's extraordinary school life among the otherworldly as he faces his true self, takes on challenges, and rises to become someone great.


Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts 2009


Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. At his coming-of-age ceremony, however, everything changes. For no reason that he can discern, he's cast into the prison known as the "Abyss", only to be saved by a "chain" known as Alice, the bloodstained black rabbit. It is unknown why was he cast into Abyss, how does Alice factor into it all, and what does the organization known as "Pandora" want with him.



V-Focus 2016


Chiang Chih-heng, a former mercenary now known as “The Bodyguard,” is the owner of Krisis, a security consultancy company that protects public figures who are chased by the paparazzi. Ting Ruo-chin is nicknamed the “Variety Queen” for her dogged ability to chase down celebrity gossip exclusives as a tabloid journalist for “V-Focus.” On their way to a news event, they become stranded on a desert island together. There they'll need to work together to survive and to make all the efforts to escape.



Trying 2020


All Nikki and Jason want is a baby—the one thing they can't have. So they decide to adopt. With their dysfunctional friends, screwball families, and chaotic lives, will the adoption panel agree that they're ready to be parents?


Buddy Daddies

Buddy Daddies 2023


When two hit men take out a dangerous mobster, the last thing they expect is for him to have a four-year-old daughter - now an orphan. But when they decide to take custody of the child, their life turns upside down! Between a mission here and a shootout there, the two hired killers will have to find time to prepare nutritious meals, stimulate the child's intellectual growth, and take the little one to daycare!


Kentucky Jones

Kentucky Jones 1964


Kentucky Jones is a half-hour comedy/drama starring Dennis Weaver as Kenneth Yarborough "K.Y. or Kentucky" Jones, D.V.M., a recently widowed former horse trainer and active rancher, who becomes the guardian of Dwight Eisenhower "Ike" Wong, a 10-year-old Chinese orphan, played by Ricky Der. Harry Morgan, previously of the CBS sitcoms December Bride and Pete and Gladys, was featured in the series as Seldom Jackson, a former jockey who assists Dr. Jones. Cherylene Lee appears as Annie Ng, Ike's friend. Arthur Wong portrays Mr. Ng, Annie's father. Keye Luke stars as Mr. Wong, a friend of Dr. Jones. Nancy Rennick appears as Miss Throncroft, a social worker. Kentucky Jones, which ran on NBC from September 19, 1964, to September 11, 1965, was the first of Weaver's four series, the most successful having been McCloud, since he left the role of the marshal's helper Chester Goode on CBS's western classic Gunsmoke, starring James Arness. Richard Bull, who later portrayed the henpecked storekeeper Nels Oleson on NBC's Little House on the Prairie, appeared twice on Kentucky Jones as Harold Erkel in episodes entitled "The Victim" and "The Return of Wong Lee".


Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables 1979


Anne Shirley is a freckle-faced, red-haired girl, who grows up in an orphanage having lost her parents at a very early age. Anne is always cheerful and fun-loving despite being brought up without love or affection. When she turns 11, she is adopted by the old farmer Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla. Anne starts her new life with Matthew and Marilla at a farm called "Green Gables", but actually the Cuthberts wanted a boy who could help with their work on the farm... Overcoming many hardships and meeting many friends and people, Anne grows up to be a strong-minded woman.


Usagi Drop

Usagi Drop 2011


By force of circumstances, a 30-year-old single man with a full-time job suddenly starts raising a 6-year-old girl. While running each other ragged, the two of them gradually grow into a "family".


The Fox's Summer

The Fox's Summer 2017


Gu Chengze, the adopted son of the Gu family, is the CEO of Gu Mall Corporation. Mrs. Gu wishes for her biological grandson, Gu Jinyu to take over the company; and Gu Chengze is tasked to guide the rightful heir towards becoming a respectful businessman. During this time, he meets fashion designer Li Yanshu and discovers that she is Gu Jinyu's ex-girlfriend. He decides to hire her aboard to motivate Gu Jinyu, who still harbors feelings for Li Yanshu. The plan worked on when Gu Jinyu decides to join the company and pursue her. When Mrs. Gu finds out about Gu Jinyu's feelings for Li Yanshu, she was livid and tells Gu Chengze to separate the both of them. This creates an opportunity for Gu Chengze and Li Yanshu to get closer to each other, and they fell in love. With the help of Li Yanshu, Gu Chengze overcomes many difficult situations. Gu Jinyu, after undergoing life-changing experiences, also matures and successfully took over his company.


Thank You Doctor

Thank You Doctor 2022


Story of two doctors, cold and arrogant Bai Shu and "fox beauty" Xiao Yan; who work in the emergency rescue department, saving lives and creating miracles.


Love Under the Moon

Love Under the Moon 2019


A struggling student, desperate to find a way to make enough money to cover the cost of attending university in Shanghai, Xiang Yuan was willing to do whatever it took to make her dreams come true. When the Ye family offered to pay for all of her university expenses, Xiang Yuan accepted their offer without hesitation. Little did she know that in so doing, she would alter the course of her life forever. Smart, dedicated, and determined to make a better life for herself, Xiang Yuan excelled in school, so much so that by the time she enters the workplace, she’s well on her way to becoming financially independent. Nearly free of the debt she owed the Ye family, Xiang Yuan found herself falling for the family’s eldest son, Ye Qian Ze. Little did she know that the family’s second son, Ye Yun had already fallen in love with her. Caught up in an unexpected and messy love triangle, Xiang Yuan must find a way to overcome the obstacles of life and love, while holding onto the one thing that has always driven her forward... Her dreams.


Jang Bo Ri Is Here

Jang Bo Ri Is Here 2014


A story about the life of a mother and her two daughters; a real daughter and an adopted daughter whose fates are twisted and lives change due to the real daughter and the adopted daughter have been swapped, cause intense conflicts within the family.


One World

One World 1998


One World is a half-hour comedy series on TNBC about the everyday issues of a large family, the Blakes of Miami. Ex-baseball player Dave Blake and his artist wife Karen have adopted 6 teens of various ethnic and racial backgrounds. The show was produced by Peter Engel Productions and canceled after 3 seasons.


Tomorrow, Mom Won't Be Here

Tomorrow, Mom Won't Be Here 2014


There are over 600 orphanages across the nation, housing approximately 30,000 children; Most of them had been abused by their parents. Maki, was placed into the orphanage "Kogamo no Ie", after her mother, Ryoka, was arrested and jailed. There she was handed over to the care of Kana, and also Sasaki, the eccentric caretaker of the home. Under Sasaki's management, the home is a calm and safe haven from all the madness of the real world. At the home, Maki befriends 3 other little girls, who all go by their nicknames instead of their real names. Piami who plays the piano really well, Bombi who came from a very poor family, and Post, who is the leader of all the kids.


Second Noah

Second Noah 1996


Second Noah is a television drama that was broadcast in the United States on ABC television from February 5, 1996 to June 8, 1997



Servamp 2016


When a stray black cat named Kuro crosses Mahiru Shirota's path, the high school freshman's life will never be the same again. Kuro is, in fact, no ordinary feline, but a servamp: a servant vampire. While Mahiru's personal philosophy is one of non-intervention, he soon becomes embroiled in an ancient, altogether surreal conflict between vampires and humans.