
Pinocchio 1940


Walt Disneys fantasifylte og magiske eventyr starter en natt i den snille dukkemakeren Gepettos verksted. På en hylle sitter hans tredukke Pinocchio stille, men så kommer Ønskefeen og vekker dukken til live – akkurat som Gepetto ønsket seg. Men Pinocchio har mye å lære av livet før han kan regnes som en ekte gutt og får derfor hjelp av den kloke Timmi Gresshoppe, som skal lære ham hva som er rett og galt. For Timmi Gresshoppe blir det en krevende utfordring og forsøke å holde Pinocchio på rett vei…


Den fantastiske Mikkel Rev

Den fantastiske Mikkel Rev 2009


Bli sjarmert av denne hysterisk morsomme og hjertevarmende animasjonsfilmen fra regissøren Wes Anderson (Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums). Filmen er basert på boken til en av verdens mestselgende forfattere, norsk-ættede Roald Dahl. Herr og fru Rev lever et idyllisk liv med deres sønn Ask og den unge nevøen Kristoffersen. Etter mange år i denne rolige tilværelsen begynner herr Rev å kjenne på sine dyriske instinkter, og det tar ikke lang tid før han er tilbake i gamle vaner med å stjele mat på nabogårdene. Ved å gjøre dette setter han ikke bare seg og sin familie i fare, men også alle de andre dyrene i området.


The Green Knight

The Green Knight 2021


Et episk fantasy-eventyr basert på den tidløse legenden om Arthur. Dette er historien om Sir Gawain, King Arthurs hensynsløse og egenrådige nevø, som begir seg ut på et dristig eventyr for å konfrontere The Green Knight, en gigantisk vesen med smaragdgrønn hud. Gawain må kjempe mot spøkelser, tyver og andre med onde hensikter i det som blir en reise som definerer hans karakter og som vil bevise hans status i familien og i riket. Fra den visjonære filmskaperen David Lowery kommer en nytenkende og dristig filmversjon av de klassiske fortellingene om Ridderne av det runde bord.


To gode venner

To gode venner 1981


Disneys 24. Klassiker møter du den rampete revungen Todd og den snille hundevalpen Copper, som blir bestevenner med det samme de møtes. De leker, tuller og oppdager nye ting hver eneste dag! Men en vakker dag skilles deres veier når Copper reiser bort med eieren sin for å lære seg å jakte. Et år senere kommer han tilbake til gården som fullvoksen jakthund. Todd er der enda, men kan de fortsatt være venner? Copper har jo lært seg å fange alle slags dyr, selv rever! Kan han virkelig jakte på sin beste venn Todd?


Robin Hood

Robin Hood 1973


Legenden om Robin Hood, en av de mest populære historiene gjennom alle tider, får magisk liv i denne tegnede klassikeren fra Walt Disney. Følg med vår helt Robin og hans trofaste venn Lille John, når de kaster seg inn i det ene vågestykket etter det andre. Møt Jomfru Mariann, Broder Tuck, Sir Hiss, Sheriffen av Nottingham og alle de andre uforglemmelige figurene. Den fortryllende fortellingen og den fengende musikken gjør Robin Hood til en filmopp- levelse som morer hele familien, om og om igjen.


Dora og den gyldne byen

Dora og den gyldne byen 2019


Oppdagelseslystne Dora har blitt tenåring og begynner på en skole i byen. Selv om hun har tilbrakt hele oppveksten i jungelen med ville dyr, er det ingenting mot utfordringene som venter på high school. Selv om hun er en fisk på land og raskt blir upopulær, så gir ikke Dora opp. Men når foreldrene hennes kidnappes, må hun og noen av hennes nye venner fra byen legge ut på et nytt jungeleventyr for å redde dem. Foreldrene vet nemlig hvor den hemmelige inkaskatten befinner seg, og mange er ute etter å finne den.


To gode venner 2

To gode venner 2 2006


To Gode Venner er en av Disneys mest elskede Klassikere. I den helt nye langfilmen To Gode Venner 2 blir vi med Copper og Todd på et spennende og musikalsk eventyr! Hundevalpen Copper vil så gjerne bli en ekte jakthund, men roter seg alltid opp i trøbbel samme hva han gjør. Hans venn, den spretne og lekne revungen Todd, støtter sin beste venn i alle situasjoner. Selvsagt må det finnes noe Copper er dyktig på? Svaret finner de på det lokale markedet. Copper har en utrolig flott sangstemme, og gruppen "Bikkjebandet" som består av en gjeng hjemløse hunder.



Vuk 1981



Fox Spirit Matchmaker

Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2015


As Bai Yue-Chu searches for a bride to foil his family's plans, a fox youkai falls through the roof.


Pororo the Little Penguin

Pororo the Little Penguin 2003


Fun adventures await in the forest named Porong Porong Village where Pororo and friends live. New friends show up in the village and many exciting things happen in the forest. Our playful little gentoo penguin Pororo, naughty spinosaurus Crong, sweet and lovely American beaver Loopy, cheerful and sporty Adélie penguin girl Petty, clever fennec fox Eddy, strong minikaniko Rody, trustworthy polar bear Poby, happy-go-lucky hummingbird Harry, magical dragon wizard Tong-Tong, and a red sedan car Tu-Tu live in this snow-covered wonderland.


Basil Brush Show

Basil Brush Show 2002


The Basil Brush Show was a British children's television sitcom series, starring the glove puppet fox, Basil Brush. It was produced for six series by The Foundation, airing on CBBC from 4 October 2002 to 21 December 2007. The show is a spin-off from the original 1960's/1970's BBC television series, but without any of the original cast.



Aggretsuko 2018


Frustrated with her thankless office job, Retsuko the Red Panda copes with her daily struggles by belting out death metal karaoke after work.


The Animals of Farthing Wood

The Animals of Farthing Wood 1993


The Animals of Farthing Wood is an animated series created by the European Broadcasting Union between 1992 and 1995 and based on the series of books written by Colin Dann. It was produced by Telemagination, based in London, and La Fabrique, based in Montpellier in France, but also aired in other European countries. The first countries to air the series were Germany and the United Kingdom, in January 1993.


Moonshine and Valentine

Moonshine and Valentine 2018


Guan Pipi's quiet life is interrupted by the mysterious Helan Jingting, a blind man in the daylight with perfect night vision, a vegetarian, and an expert in ancient jade. As they grow closer, they realize their lives are intertwined by fate and an ancient curse. Jingting is determined to change their destined path, but the question remains: can they escape the fate that binds them?


My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho

My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho 2010


After meeting a mysterious yet very beautiful girl, a wannabe action star discovers that she's, in fact, a gumiho – a legendary fox with nine tails.


Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact

Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact 2024


Tushan Honghong, a fox spirit from the righteous Tushan Fox Clan, saves Dongfang Yuechu, a human youth pursued by his lifelong enemy, by chance. As they spend time together in Tushan, a bond gradually forms between them. Ultimately, they join forces with their loved ones to combat the forces of evil in order to fulfill their shared desire for peace between their two clans.


The Helpful Fox Senko-san

The Helpful Fox Senko-san 2019


Like many hardworking members of the workforce, Kuroto Nakano is perpetually stressed out by his job. Still, since he lives alone, he must carry on to sustain himself. Little do humans like Kuroto know, this stress takes the form of darkness residing within a person's body and will bring one's life to ruin. Fox deities can see this darkness and have the duty to save people before it is too late. To help rid Kuroto of his stress, Senko-san, an eight hundred-year-old foxgirl, volunteers to take care of him, and will do everything she can to ease the tension in his weary soul.


Gingitsune: Messenger Fox of the Gods

Gingitsune: Messenger Fox of the Gods 2013


Gintarou is a fox spirit that has been protecting the small Inari temple since the Edo era. Saeki Makoto's family possesses the power to see the gods' agent, but the ability is limited to one living relative at a time. When Makoto's mother passed away while she was still young, Makoto inherited the ability as the sole remaining family member. With the help of fox spirit's power, Makoto and Gintarou help the people of their community, in spite of their many differences.


The Charm of Soul Pets

The Charm of Soul Pets 2024


The main character, Chu Mu, was the heir to the Chu Clan, but he was banished to the island and faced an almost certain death as a result of a planned assassination. He danced on the brink of death, fighting for his life with a little Moonlight Fox he had captured. He had to exhale when he was finally free of the demonic foremen on his island. However, he was unaware that this was just the start of his destined trip with his tiny Moonlight Fox.


Dogs in the Wild: Meet the Family

Dogs in the Wild: Meet the Family 2022


From the rugged peaks of the Himalayas to the blistering Sahara desert, wild dogs thrive in the least likely of places. They are the most widespread carnivores on the planet. The latest scientific revelations reveal fresh perspectives on characters who constantly surprise us with their diversity and their unusual behaviour. These are the world’s ultimate canids!


Pig: The Dam Keeper Poems

Pig: The Dam Keeper Poems 2017


Pig lives at the top of a hill in a town surrounded by a destructive, dark cloud. Before Pig's father leaves to find a solution to the cloud, he builds Pig a small wooden dam to protect him and the town. The dam's windmill keeps the cloud at bay, and Pig now has the responsibility to care for the dam. Young and alone, Pig finds love and family through his friendship with Fox, and continues to care for the townsfolk in a variety of ways. However, Pig struggles with the absence of his father, and his desire to search for his father competes with his need to keep the town safe.


A Fox In Space

A Fox In Space 2016


Based on the StarFox (Lylat Wars) video games by Nintendo, Fox McCloud and his team support the Cornerian Army against the opposing forces of the Venomians.



Fennec 1997


Fennec VID (Very Important Detective) and his assistant Achilles form a team of cheeky detectives who solve crimes in their town, such as chewing gum theft and mysterious disappearances. Importantly, they also make sure wrongdoers do not go unpunished.