
Småkryp 1998


Livet er ingen lek for maurene på Maurøya! Hver sommer invaderer en gjeng grådige gresshopper kolonien, og tvinger maurene til å fylle gresshoppenes matforråd for vinteren, men denne gangen har den oppfinnsomme mauren Flik tenkt å sette en stopper for dette. Han begir seg i vei for å skaffe hjelp, og vender stolt tilbake med en tropp krigere. Men det viser seg snart at det ikke er riktige krigere han har fått med seg, men en gjeng arbeidsløse loppesirkus-insekter, bl.a. den fyldige sommerfugl-larven Heimlich og marihønen Francis.



Zombieland 2009


Columbus har gjort det til vane å stikke av fra det som skremmer ham. Tallahassee har ingen bekymringer, hadde han hatt det, ville han gått på en udødelig hodejakt. I en verden oversvømt av zombier har disse to overlevende tilpasset seg godt. Nå står de imidlertid ovenfor det mest skremmende scenariet av alle: hverandre.


Madagaskar 3: Full rulle i Europa

Madagaskar 3: Full rulle i Europa 2012


Med den oppmerksomhetssyke Kong Julien og de handlekraftige pingvinene i spissen søker hele gjengen tilflukt i et sirkus for å unnslippe kaptein Dubois fra viltnemnda.



Dumbo 1941


Den lille elefanten Dumbo er født med noen aldeles for store ører, og når han kommer til sirkuset for første gang blir han gjort narr av. Hans gode venn, musen Timmi gjør sitt beste for å hjelpe Dumbo, men de store ørene er konstant i veien. Plutselig en dag oppdager Dumbo at han kan noe som ingen andre kan – han kan nemlig fly!



Dumbo 2019


Tim Burtons 'Dumbo' bygger på historien som ble fortalt i Disneys animasjonsfilm med samme navn fra 1941. Eventyret til den flygende sirkuselefanten er tilbake. I et sirkus der det er vanskelig å løpe penger, fødes en veldig spesiell elefant. Den lille Dumbo har ører så store som seg selv, og han blir ledd av fordi han ikke ser ut som en vanlig elefant. Men når Milly og Joe, sirkuseierens barn, oppdager at Dumbo kan fly, endrer alt seg. Det er et enormt publikum som vil se den flygende sirkuselefanten, og en mann som heter V. A. Vandevere vil få Dumbo til å bli med som en del av sitt fantastiske "Drømmelandet". Men det imponerende "Drømmelandet" er ikke så fantastisk og eventyrlig som det først dukker opp.


Roald Dahls Matilda

Roald Dahls Matilda 2022


En begavet ung jente blir misforstått av både sine foreldre og skolens slemme rektor. Hun oppdager sine spesielle evner og klarer å samle nok mot til å reagere mot urettferdighet og bidra til å gjøre livet bedre både for seg selv og andre rundt henne. Hun finner god støtte hos sin vennlige lærerinne, som tror på henne.



Octopussy 1983


Den russiske generalen Orlov planlegger å ta over Europa ved å detonere en atombombe på en amerikansk luftbase i Vest-Tyskland og la det se ut som et uhell. Som et resultat av denne tragedien vil Nato gå med på en ensidig nedrustningsavtale, og Russland vil stå klar til å innvadere Europa med konvensjonelle styrker. Britisk etterretningstjeneste blir alarmert gjennom Kamal, en afghansk prins som jobber for en nydelig kvinne, Octopussy. Hun driver sine forretninger fra en privat øy, voktet av en elitestyrke av vakre kvinner. Agent 007 må reise til Octopussy for å overtale henne til å jobbe med ham i stedet for med russerne. Og med sin vanlige sjarm er ikke det umulig å få til...


El circo de las Montini

El circo de las Montini 2002


A circus family must face a new season of performances, under the risk that this may be their last tour.


Maddigan's Quest

Maddigan's Quest 2006


Maddigan's Quest was a fantasy-based television series set in a post-apocalyptic future. It was based on an original concept by Margaret Mahy and was developed for television by Gavin Strawhan and Rachel Lang. The show originally screened on CBBC in the UK, and was also aired on TV3 in New Zealand, Family Room HD from Voom Networks HD and Nine Network in early 2006.


Black Butler

Black Butler 2008


In Victorian London, 12-year-old business magnate Ciel Phantomhive thwarts dangers to the queen as he's watched over by his demon butler, Sebastian.



Bumba 1970


Bumba is a mischievous, but always cheerful clown in a circus full of sound and color full of staging tricks. He gets help from his best friends Bumbalu, the Kiwi bird, the bear Nanadu, the elephant Tumbi and many other brightly colored figures cheerfully join him.


Salto Mortale

Salto Mortale 1969


Salto Mortale is a German television series.


Kaleido Star

Kaleido Star 2003


Sora, a young girl from Japan, comes to America in search of her dream. She wants, with all her heart, to be a member of the famous Kaleido Stage, a combination of musicals, acrobatics and magical effects. With the help of her friends, she struggles to make this dream come true.


Karakuri Circus

Karakuri Circus 2018


Narumi is certain that Masaru will be kidnapped by wooden puppets with supernatural strength after fighting them with all his strength. Masaru inherited his father's wealth which has brought many enemies out of the shadows, too many for Narumi to defend him alone. When Narumi is feeling discouraged, Masaru's watcher, Shirogane, arrives with a powerful weapon, the puppet Arlequin.


Circus Boy

Circus Boy 1956


Circus Boy is an American action/adventure/drama series that aired in prime time on NBC, and then on ABC, from 1956 to 1958. It was then rerun by NBC on Saturday mornings, from 1958 to 1960. The series currently airs Saturday mornings on Antenna TV.


Frontier Circus

Frontier Circus 1961


Frontier Circus is an American Western television series about a traveling circus roaming the American West in the 1880s. Filmed by Revue Productions, the program aired on the CBS from October 5, 1961, until September 6, 1962.



Silas 1981


Silas was a 1981 ZDF Adventure TV mini-series based on the Danish children's book „Silas og den sorte hoppe“ by Cecil Bødker who kept on writing instalments until 2001. The series was Patrick Bach's debut and because the series did so well he also starred the very next year in another adventure series about a young orphan: Jack Holborn Silas was a German production and filmed solely in German. Still it received attention beyond German-speaking countries and consequently the successor Jack Holborn involved international producers and was filmed in English.


Luna Park

Luna Park 2021


In 1960s Rome, a meeting between a free-spirited young woman who grew up in her family's circus and a girl of wealthy descent leads to secrets, intrigue, and unexpected loves.


La vie est un cirque

La vie est un cirque 2009


Acrobats, clowns, contortionists, hypnotists, magicians, musicians, tightrope walkers, jugglers and others world-class artists perform their greatest routines in front of a live TV audience.



Karneval 2013


Nai searches for someone important to him, with only an abandoned bracelet as a clue. Gareki steals and pick-pockets to get by from day to day. The two meet in a strange mansion where they are set-up, and soon become wanted criminals by military security operatives. When Nai and Gareki find themselves desperate in a hopeless predicament, they encounter none other than the country's most powerful defense organization - "Circus"!!


The Biter Bitten

The Biter Bitten 2006


A treasure is hidden inside a circus. One step closer to the treasure; one step closer to danger. Ten Tigers, the gang who used to rob on the horseback, was arrested a few decades ago. A legend saying that a treasure was buried in Panyu by the Tigers pasted on ever after. An antique from the Qing Dynasty is excavated during the construction work for the expansion of the Fei Cheung Zoo in Panyu. It is later verified as part of the legendary Ten Tigers’ treasure. A foreign investor sends an archaeological professor and his grandson HO CHUNG FUNG (CHAN HO MAN, BENNY) to search for the rest of the hidden treasure in order to protect these national relics. After the news of their expedition spreads, different people get interested in the treasure...





Series of unconnected adventures about Cuttlas, the famous gunslinger.


Celebrity Circus

Celebrity Circus 2008


Celebrity Circus is an American version of the Celebrity Circus reality television show based on the Portuguese television series of Circus of the Celebrities, not to be confused with Australian TV series of the same name that aired in 2005. The show is produced by Endemol USA with Matt Kunitz as executive producer and Rick Ringbakk as co-executive producer. On March 13, 2009, it was confirmed that the series had been canceled and would not be returning for a second season.



Stellina 2009


It is about a orphan childs life drama in the orphanage and after the orphanage.


Penn & Teller's Magic & Mystery Tour

Penn & Teller's Magic & Mystery Tour 2003


Penn & Teller's Magic and Mystery Tour is a 2003 television documentary miniseries starring Penn & Teller. The program was created by the CBC in association with Channel 4 Film. The show focuses on street magic, and the subjects of each of the three shows are China, India, and Egypt. Unusually for Penn and Teller, Teller speaks in the Egypt episode, even though part of their trademark performance is that Penn does all the speaking.