
Troja 2004


Brad Pitt løfter sverdet og bringer en muskuløs, grublende fremtoning til rollen som den greske krigeren Akilles i denne praktfulle gjenfortellingen av Iliaden. Orlando Bloom og Diane Kruger spiller de legendariske elskende som kaster verden ut i krig, Eric Bana skildrer prinsen som våger å konfrontere Akilles og Peter O’Toole regjerer Troja som Kong Priam. Regissør Wolfgang Petersen gjenskaper en svunnen verden av mektige krigsskip, konfronterende arméer, den massive festningsbyen og den ruvende Trojanske hest.


American Beauty

American Beauty 1999


Filmens hovedperson er den uutslettelige Lester og hans kone Carolyn Burnham. Et tilsynelatende vanlig par i en forstads anonyme nabolag, med et ekteskap som sakte men sikkert er på tur til å sprekke.


Boogie Nights

Boogie Nights 1997


Eddie Adams lever livets glade dager i Hollywood på 70-tallet. Hele byen syder av kokain og løssluppen sex. Hverdagen er som en sammenhengende origie som aldri vil ta slutt. Dirk er naiv og godtroende. Han er hellig overbevist om at alle mennesker har minst ett talent. Selv har han et massivt talent mellom bena - sannsynligvis filmbyens største. Hans spesielle talent blir oppdaget av den snodige og idealistiske pornoregissøren Jack Horner. Han ser på seg selv som en seriøs kunstner og har en visjon som går ut på å spre glede ved å kombinere porno med kvalitet. Eddie slår til. Dette er hans mulighet til å oppleve Den Amerikanske Drømmen. Som Dirk Diggler blir han pornobransjens største stjerne. Men med suksess følger alkohol og narkotika. Snart får han problemer med sitt talent - som for alvor er på vei nedover.


Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation 2003


Bob Harris og Charlotte er to amerikanere på besøk i Tokyo. Bob er filmstjerne, og i byen for å spille inn en reklamefilm for whisky, mens Chalotte er en ung kvinne som har blitt med sin arbeidsnarkomane ektemann på tur. En natt ingen av dem får sove, krysses Bob og Charlottes veier i baren på luksushotellet der begge bor. Dette tilfeldige møtet leder snart til et overraskende vennskap. Charlotte og Bob går sammen på oppdagelsesferd rundt i Tokyo, noe som byr på mange pussige møter med lokalbefolkningen, og til slutt får de to en ny tro på livets muligheter.


The Piano

The Piano 1993


En stum kvinne fra Skottland kommer til New Zealand sammen med datteren og det dyrebare pianoet sitt, og møter en barsk einstøing og forføringskunstene hans.


Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road 2008


Den følelsesladde og gripende historien følger et energisk ungt par i et forstadsområde utenfor Connecticut som bestemmer seg for å gi slipp på alt og følge sin store drøm. De er klar til å rive seg løs fra det ordinære livet, men kan de gjøre det uten å rives fra hverandre?


Secret Window

Secret Window 2004


En vellykket forfatter som går gjennom en vond skilsmisse, bor i et avsidesliggende feriehus når en ambisiøs skribent som anklager ham for plagiat, begynner å plage ham.






Walk the Line

Walk the Line 2005


Sanger! Opprører! Lovløs! Helt! Den legendariske "Mannen i svart" revolusjonerte musikken og ble et symbol på USA. Joaquin Phoenix og Reese Witherspoon spiller (og synger) hovedrollene som Johnny Cash og June Carter i denne inspirerende og sanne historien om en manns troskap mot en stil, et budskap og sitt livs kjærlighet.



Wolf 1994



Twice Upon a Time

Twice Upon a Time 2019


Months after a crushing breakup, a man receives a mysterious package that opens a portal to the past -- and gives him a chance to win back his ex.


Parade's End

Parade's End 2012


The story of a love triangle between a conservative English aristocrat, his mean socialite wife and a young suffragette in the midst of World War I and a Europe on the brink of profound change.



Soap 1977


The antics of a wealthy family, the Tates, and a working-class family, the Campbells, in the fictional town of Dunn's River, Connecticut.


Indian Summers

Indian Summers 2015


Epic drama set in the summer of 1932 where India dreams of independence, but the British are clinging to power. Set against the sweeping grandeur of the Himalayas and tea plantations of Northern India, the drama tells the rich and explosive story of the decline of the British Empire and the birth of modern India, from both sides of the experience. At the heart of the story lie the implications and ramifications of the tangled web of passions, rivalries and clashes that define the lives of those brought together in this summer which will change everything.



Asura 2025


In 1979 Tokyo, four distinct sisters uncover their aging father's affair, causing their happy facades and bottled-up emotions to slowly unravel.



Butterflies 1978


Ria Parkinson is a bored housewife and mother. She spends her time daydreaming, and meets regularly with wealthy businessman Leonard to relieve the monotony. Husband Ben, a dentist and avid butterfly collector is oblivious to it all, and her unemployed grown up sons, who both live at home also have other things on their minds, especially girlfriends.


Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina 2013


Anna and Kitty. Two lives. One of desperate passion that ends in tragedy, the other, an existence made real through love. Two destinies that interweave, giving rise to two, so very different stories, yet lived in pursuit of the same desire- to find a love that lets them fully be themselves, to live without having to conform to society’s pretenses.


Joseph & Lindsey

Joseph & Lindsey 2020


Joseph and Lindsey are a famous, talented, and wealthy young couple who reside in their hometown of Plotagon City, and have earned the title of Plotagon City's most famous and richest couple. They have appeared in films and television shows, including their favorite, Love Birds. Joseph's siblings and friends support him and Lindsey's relationship; however, Joseph's incarcerated and maniacal ex-girlfriend Beryl opposes the relationship.


The Six Wives of Henry VIII

The Six Wives of Henry VIII 1970


Series of television plays written by six different authors. Each play is a lavish dramatization of the trials and tribulations surrounding Henry and his wives. Keith Michell ties the episodes together with his dignified and magnetic performance as the mighty monarch.


Os Maias

Os Maias 2001


Pedro da Maia, meets a beautiful woman called Maria Monforte with whom he gets married despite his father's objection. The marriage produces a son, Carlos Eduardo, and a daughter. Some time later, Maria Monforte falls in love with Tancredo and runs away to Italy with him, taking her daughter along. When Pedro finds out, he goes with his son to his father's house where he commits suicide. Carlos stays at his grandfather's house and is educated by him. Carlos, becomes a doctor and opens his own office. Later he meets a gorgeous woman, Maria Eduarda. The two fall in love and have dozens of nights together. Eventually Carlos finds out later that Maria lied to him about her past and he starts fearing the worst. In the end, Carlos finds out that Maria is his sister. He informs her that they are siblings and that they cannot live like this anymore. Carlos, to forget his tragedies, goes for a trip around the world.


The Behaviorist

The Behaviorist 2022


Gerard Edling is a well-to-do lecturer, an expert in kinesics (the science of body language) and a former prosecutor with vast experience. Horst Zeiger is a shy young man, an outsider, a computer geek and... a totally unpredictable murderer. When one of them intends to commit a crime, the other, known for being able to decipher any criminal and solve any case, tries to prevent it. Unfortunately, the result of their duel is a macabre spectacle, broadcast online to thousands of viewers...


The Politician's Wife

The Politician's Wife 1995


The Politician's Wife is a British television political drama written by Paula Milne, broadcast on Channel 4 in 1995 and starring Trevor Eve and Juliet Stevenson. The story centres around high-flying politician Duncan Matlock, Families Minister for the UK Government, who becomes embroiled in tabloid scandal as it is discovered that he has been having an affair with a former escort turned parliamentary researcher. Duncan's wife Flora becomes the focus of media attention as her reactions to the revelations are played out. Initially she plays out the part of the loyal wife, but as an aide of her husband feeds her details about the affair and various other political scandals that could be made to happen. She begins to sabotage her husband's integrity and reputation through a campaign of leaks and misinformation to the press and British Conservative Party stalwarts. After a series of increasingly sensational and damaging stories in the press, her husband is forced to resign in humiliation. The last episode closes with the results of the by-election being announced on TV. Flora Matlock wins with the support of her party whilst her husband is exiled to a minor post in Belgium.



Karelasyon 2015


A drama anthology series that looks at the difficulties, pains, controversies, and tragedies that some of our people experience because of love, and the lessons you can learn from their experiences.


The Drinky Crow Show

The Drinky Crow Show 2008


An alcoholic crow goes on suicidal adventures with his monkey friend.


The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter 1979


The Scarlet Letter is a 1979 miniseries based on the novel of the same name that aired on WGBH from March 3, 1979 to March 24, 1979. The series is four episodes long, 60 minutes each. Part 2 won the 1979 Emmy Award for Outstanding Video Tape Editing for a Limited Series or Special for film editors Ken Denisoff, Janet McFadden, and Tucker Wiard. In 1979, when most literary programs were being produced in the United Kingdom, Boston public television station WGBH decided to produce a homegrown literary classic of its own. The result is this epic version of Nathaniel Hawthorne's enduring novel of Puritan America in search of its soul. Hester Prynne overcomes the stigma of adultery to emerge as the first great heroine in American literature. Hawthorne's themes, the nature of sin, social hypocrisy, and community repression, still reverberate through American society. Meg Foster brings a quiet strength to the role of Hester, the adulteress condemned to wear a scarlet "A" for the rest of her life. As her partner in crime, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, John Heard writhes in private torment most convincingly. Kevin Conway completes this grim triangle as the mysterious, maleficent Roger Chillingworth. The costumes and scenery are simple, so as not to detract from the dialogue as each character grapples with the meaning of sin, forgiveness, and redemption.


Sacchan, Boku wa.

Sacchan, Boku wa. 2024


Dear Sa-chan, if only I'd had sex with you that time, perhaps I wouldn't have wandered down this disastrous path. A story of true love and its downfall, brought to life by an unconventional protege.


Perfect Crime

Perfect Crime 2019


Kaori (Reina Triendl) works as an interior designer for a housing manufacturer. She has been in a secret relationship with her boss Fuyuki (Hidekazu Mashima) for years. Fuyuki is a married man and Kaori can't see a future with him, but she still loves him and continues their relationship. One day, Haruto (Dori Sakurada) appears in front of her. Haruto is a young interior designer who was just transferred from a New York office. Haruto happens to see Kaori and Fuyuki having an affair. Meanwhile, Kaori and Haruto begin to work together as partners at work. Through meeting Haruto, Kaori's fate begins to change.


Reed of Glass

Reed of Glass 2015


Setsuko Koda is a woman who is married to her mother's ex-lover. Events unfold as her husband Kiichiro is involved in a car accident as Setsuko revisits her past while trying to help a little girl facing abuse.