
Run 2020


Tenåringen Chloe ønsker seg frihet etter å ha vært isolert for medisinsk behandling i årevis, men mistenker at moren hennes holder henne tilbake og har noe å skjule.


Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind 2024


Melody Brooks, en sjetteklassing med cerebral parese, er oppvakt og begavet, men siden hun ikke har språk og sitter i rullestol, får hun ikke de samme mulighetene som klassekameratene. Når en ung lærer oppdager Melodys uforløste potensiale og hun får ta del i den ordinære undervisningen, viser Melody at det hun har å si er viktigere enn måten hun sier det på.



NiNoKuni 2019


To helt vanlige ungdommer legger ut på en magisk reise for å redde vennen sin og motstykket hennes fra en annen verden. Men kjærlighet gjør reisen komplisert.


David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived

David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived 2023


En dokumentarfilm om Daniel Radcliffe og stuntmannen David Holmes og det nære vennskapet deres, som besto selv etter en livsomveltende ulykke.


Kunsten å tenke negativt

Kunsten å tenke negativt 2006


Trafikkskadde og handikappede Geirr (35) har nådd enden av sin egen blindvei. Isolasjon, våpenfiksering, egenmedisinering og grenseløs bitterhet gjør at kjæresten Ingvild (33) ikke lenger vet hva hun skal gjøre. I et siste desperat forsøk på å redde forholdet, inviterer hun hjem den kommunale positivitetsgruppa, som med hjelp av den løsningsfokuserte metoden ser muligheter i selv de sorteste hull. De har rett og slett blitt en veldig positiv gjeng. Med trusselen om samlivsbrudd hengende over seg blir Geir motvillig med på møtet.


Yuuki Yuuna Is a Hero

Yuuki Yuuna Is a Hero 2014


Yuuki Yuuna is an ordinary second-year middle school student. She gets up in the morning, gets ready for school, goes to classes, participates in club activities, and has fun with her friends. But there is one extraordinary thing about Yuuna -- she belongs to the “Brave Hero Club.” What does the Brave Hero Club do? Who is the mysterious being called “Vertex?” Yuuki Yuuna and her friends’ story takes place in Year 300, Divine Era


The Outsider

The Outsider 2001


Rodrigo Junquera finds out he is close to death, he decides to ask the nanny of his young child, Virginia Martínez, a beautiful and honest woman, to marry him with the intention of preparing the road so she can look after his children when he's gone. Virginia has to deal with the contempt of Rodrigo's children who acuse her of being an ambitious woman who married their father for his money. Virginia is in love with Rodrigo's eldest son, Carlos Alberto, who has come to mistreat her after finding out she married his dad.


In Sickness and in Health

In Sickness and in Health 1985


Sequel to 'Till Death Us Do Part' with the bad tempered Alf Garnett, who has not mellowed with the years and is as bigoted as ever.


High-Speed Parahero Gandeen

High-Speed Parahero Gandeen 2021


Daishi Morimiya is a high school student whose dream is to become a wheelchair, track-and-field athlete. In addition to that, Miyako Fukai, a former wheelchair athlete, becomes Daishi’s coach. One day, a handsome alien falls from the sky when Daishi was practicing with Miyako, surrounded by his friends and father (who is employed at an old factory). The handsome alien named Goo, after escaping a mass genocide somewhere in Earth’s binary star, warns Daishi and his friends that Earth is in danger. Then, a giant lizard-like monster who is after Goo, attacks Daishi’s household. That’s when Goo’s Mode Shifter begins to emit light, radiating Daishi. His body is completely transformed by a special protector. The transformed Daishi charges at the monster while still in his wheelchair.


Spinal Destination

Spinal Destination 2024


Tessa Rivers' busy life is turned upside down when a mysterious illness leaves her paralysed from the waist down. Tessa is sent to Goldfield's Spinal Unit, where she becomes determined to walk again - by any means necessary.