
Vice 2015



Rush Hour

Rush Hour 1998


De raskeste hendene i Østen møter den kjappeste kjeften i Vesten. Støynivået i verdensbyen Los Angeles når nye høyder idet etterforskeren Lee fra Hong Kong slår seg sammen med kollega James Carter fra filmbyen. Lee er juvelen i Hong Kong-politiet. Ved hjelp av den kinesiske konsulen er han den eneste som er i stand til å fakke Juntao, en av Hong Kongs mektigste kriminelle. Juntao er fortsatt på frifot, og vil hevne seg på sine standhaftige motstandere etter mange tilbakeslag. Konsul Hans datter blir kidnappet i USA, og Han insisterer på at Lee blir satt på saken. FBI kan imidlertid betakke seg for innblanding fra asiatiske politihelter, og ber Los Angeles-politiet redusere Lee til turist. James Carter er den støyende og uvørne etterforskeren som får i oppdrag å være "barnevakt" for Lee. Med fullstendig mangel på sosiale antenner tror Carter han skal bistå FBI med etterforskningen. Motorkjeften måper når han innser prestisjenederlaget og motvillig får Lee i fanget.


American Gangster

American Gangster 2007


Tidlig på 70-tallet var politikorrupsjon utbredt i New York City. Vietnamkrigen krevde sine ofre både borte og hjemme. Soldatene kom tilbake til USA enten i likposer eller som avhengige av et importert opiat kalt heroin - som de delte med nysgjerrige eksperimentelle. Med hjelp av lovens håndhevelse opererte mafiaen relativt uten konkurranse i dette markedet ved å selge tusenvis av kilo heroin til avhengige, som var sultne på produktet deres. Helt til en svart forretningsmann, Frank Lucas, blandet seg inn i leken. Det var egentlig ingen som la merke til Frank Lucas, den tause sjåføren til Bumpy Johnson, en av de mektigste, svarte bossene i det kriminelle miljøet i byen etter Vietnamkrigen. Men når bossen plutselig dør, utnytter Frank åpningene i maktstrukturen for å bygge sitt eget imperium og skape sin egen versjon av den amerikanske oppfattelsen av suksess.


Die Hard 2

Die Hard 2 1990


Politimannen John McClane er tilbake. Denne gangen må han stoppe en gjeng terrorister som har tatt over en flyplass. Det blir en kamp mot klokken idet kona hans befinner seg på et fly som ikke kan lande, med en stadig synkende bensinmåler.


Mad Max

Mad Max 1979


I en ødelagt, nær fremtid er det en brutal motorsykkelgjeng som kontrollerer gatene. Gjengen terroriserer uskyldige sivile, ødelegger gatene og ler politiet opp i ansiktet. Men de har undervurdert én politimann: Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson). Når de mishandler Max' bestevenn og familie, sender de ham ut på en vill hevntokt!


Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery 2019


En politimann fra New York og kona hans er på en etterlengtet reise til Europa, der de må prøve å løse et forbløffende drap om bord på yachten til en milliardær.


Rush Hour 3

Rush Hour 3 2007


Chris Tucker returnerer til det store lerretet etter seks års pause. Tucker kobler seg igjen til all-star-laget med medskuespiller Jackie Chan og regissør Brett Ratner for å levere den tredje kinosuksessen i Rush Hour-serien. I denne tredje action-komedien er Tucher og Chan igjen å finne i rollene som LAPD-etterforsker James Carter og den kinesiske Chief Inspector Lee. Denne gangen blir de beordret til Paris, hvor de to har fått i oppdrag å knekke en sentral del av Triaden i Frankrike. Et morsomt og actionfylt eventyr er i vente når våre helter alene må gjøre sitt ytterste for å hamle opp med noen virkelige tøffinger i den kinesiske mafiaen.


Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog 2020


En småbysheriff hjelper et utenomjordisk pinnsvin med å beseire en gal lege, som ønsker å bruke skapningens supersoniske krefter til å erobre verden.


New Jack City

New Jack City 1991


Crack het det nye narkotiske stoffet som på grunn av pris og virkning ble den store hit blant forbrukerne i USA. Nino Brown ser hvilke muligheter som ligger i stoffet, dessuten er han samvittighetsløs nok til å slå seg opp som en av Californias ledende narkohandlere. Fra 1986 bygger han opp sitt narkotikaimperium, stadig i krig med bl.a. den italienske mafiaen som gjerne vil ha sin del av kaka. Også politiet er jå jakt etter Nino. Politiinspektør Stone setter de anonyme etterforskerne Scotty og Nick på saken. Samtidig engasjerer han Pookie, en tidligere narkoman, til å infiltrere Ninos organisasjon. Pookie havner imidlertid i narkogarnet på nytt, og Stone må begynne hele operasjonen fra begynnelsen igjen.


Smokey and the Bandit

Smokey and the Bandit 1977


Reynold spiller rollen som Banditt - En tøff trailersjåfør som aksepterer den ultimate utfordringen: Å hente en last med Coors-øl i Texarkana - nærmeste sted derdet selges lovlig - og frakte det tvers over USA til Atlanta i løpet av 48 Timer. Belønningen ? $80 000! Resultatet? de villeste biljaktene og krasjene som noensinne er filmer! Årsaken? Texas - sheriffen Buford T. Justice, kjent som "Smokey", blir helt besatt av tanken på å arrestere den ufangelige Banditt da han slår seg sammen med den rømte bruden til Smokeys sønn!



Filth 2013


En intrigant, korrupt og fanatisk politimann, Bruce Robertson, vil gjør alt for å bli forfremmet. Han prøver å ødelegge for kollegene for å sikre seg forfremmelsen men han oppdager snart at hans konstante løgner og korrupsjon kan ta ham igjen. Kan Robertson beholde grepet på situasjonen lenge nok til å nå målene sine eller vil han ikke kunne vikle seg løs fra møkka.


The Man

The Man 2005


Spesialagent Derrick Vann (Samuel L. Jackson) er på sporet av en våpenhandler, men spaningsoppdraget tar en uventet vending når våpenselgeren forveksler sin egentlige kjøper med den snakkesalige tannlege-utstyr Andy Fiddler. Dermed inngår de to et noe uvanlig samarbeid. Men klarer Vann å få den løsmunnede tannlegen til å si de rette tingene for å lure våpenhandleren i fella?


Starsky & Hutch

Starsky & Hutch 2004


Se hvordan den karismatiske duoen David Starsky og Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson ble til, når det hardtarbeidende radarparet blir satt på sin aller første sak sammen. Ved hjelp av en informant kommer de nye makkerne på sporet av en kokainsmugler, men kan partnerne hamle opp med superskurken?


Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht 2007


Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.


Case Closed

Case Closed 1996


The son of a world famous mystery writer, Jimmy Kudo, has achieved his own notoriety by assisting the local police as a student detective. He has always been able to solve the most difficult of criminal cases using his wits and power of reason.


Bad Guys

Bad Guys 2025


Jaka, a policeman filled with revenge, teams up with his junior, Sekar, and three inmates to hunt down a serial killer. Their research slowly reveals the dark side of the justice system that they have always believed in.


The Mentalist

The Mentalist 2008


Patrick Jane, a former celebrity psychic medium, uses his razor sharp skills of observation and expertise at "reading" people to solve serious crimes with the California Bureau of Investigation.



Dark 2017


A missing child causes four families to help each other for answers. What they could not imagine is that this mystery would be connected to innumerable other secrets of the small town.


Rookie Blue

Rookie Blue 2010


Ambitious young cops try to prove themselves in their high-stakes careers, in which the smallest mistake can have deadly consequences. At the core of the close-knit group is perfectionist Andy McNally, whose father was a homicide detective before he burned out on the job. The series follows Andy and her four colleagues -- Dov Epstein, Gail Peck, Traci Nash and Chris Diaz -- as they experience the trials, triumphs and tribulations of police work, as well as its effect on their personal lives.



Aquarius 2015


In the late 1960s, a Los Angeles police sergeant with a complicated personal life starts tracking a small-time criminal and budding cult leader seeking out vulnerable women to join his “cause.” The name of that man is Charles Manson.


No Offence

No Offence 2015


Keeping these streets clean is a Herculean task, enough to demoralize even the keenest rookie – but there’s a reason why this hotchpotch of committed cops are on this force, on this side of town. Drug labs, arsonists, neo-Nazis and notorious murderers are all in a day’s work for this close-knit team, led by the dizzyingly capable but unquestionably unhinged DI Vivienne Deering. But when a particularly twisted serial killer emerges it leaves even the most hardened of these seasoned coppers reeling.



19-2 2014


The day-to-day life of two unwilling partners of the Montreal Police Department, Officers Nick Barron and Ben Chartier. These two beat cops patrol the urban sprawl of downtown's 19th district, in cruiser No. 2. 19-2 is about the tensions and bonds that develop between two incompatible men of very different temperaments and life experiences. Over time, Nick and Ben's mistrust and antagonism for each other give way to moments of mutual respect and a wavering chance at a true partnership.


Axe Cop

Axe Cop 2013


Axe Cop is an animated series based on the webcomic of the same name. It premiered on Fox on July 21, 2013, as a part of the channel's Animation Domination HD programming block. The series aired 6 11-minute episodes in its first season, which will later expand to half-hour episodes should the show be renewed for a second season.



Undercover 2011


Just an ordinary boy from the Sofia suburbs becomes the first bulgarian undercover cop. Forced by his father when he was young to lie and cheat, Martin becomes the perfect liar. That skill, and also the hatred of the 'underworld' makes him the perfect match for a dangerous mission - to infiltrate the crime organisation of a rich and powerful businessman. While infiltrating and living in fear of being uncovered, Martin falls in love with the most inappropriate woman - Djaro's girlfriend, Suni. Just when he gains the trust of the mobsters, it appears that the real enemy is in the police. Martin is alone against all, facing difficult decisions.



AnnDroid 2020


Russian scientists have created an android policeman. Perfect in all respects, Captain Anna Nikolaevna Korolkevich goes to serve in a provincial city to see real life and become a human. Colleagues think that Anna Nikolaevna is the daughter of the deputy minister, and nothing portends trouble until humanization goes too far.



Bellevue 2017


When a transgender teen goes missing, Annie Ryder—a cop at odds with her hometown—dives in to unravel the disappearance that suggests foul play, despite finding herself in a difficult position as she must cast suspicion on people she has known all her life.


Flikken Rotterdam

Flikken Rotterdam 2016


Flikken Rotterdam takes place in Rotterdam, and is after Flikken Maastricht the second Dutch spin-off of the Flemish show Flikken.


Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law 2001


Detective Sergeant Tommy Murphy is a maverick cop with a dark past. After failing a psychiatric assessment, he is given one last chance by his boss and given a dangerous undercover assignment. Murphy is a loner with little to lose and deals with everything on his own terms. This time around, however, Murphy has an ally in Detective Inspector Annie Guthrie.



Blue SWAT 1994


Blue SWAT is the thirteenth installment in the Metal Hero Series. It ran from January 30, 1994 to January 27, 1995 for a total of 51 episodes and one theatrical film, aired as part of the 1994 Manga Matsuri, which compiled episodes 1 and 2. Blue SWAT devitated from the Metal Hero trend by using a realistic vibe for the series instead of fantastic, over-the-top action by focusing on the martial arts and gunplay aspects of the series. While the mood of the series appealled to the genre's adult fanbase and older viewers, the show wasn't well received by children, which resulted in a change in to a lighter tone midway through the series. The Blue SWAT team later appeared for a special team-up in the final episodes of Juukou B-Fighter.



OCTB 2017


Undercover detective Chen Feng Xiang in a crack after a large group of cadres transferred to civilian, but in eight years after being an anti-black group to recapture. As the current rivers and lakes on the most troublesome triad leader are Chen Feng Xiang then younger brother Zhang Zhi Qiang, Feng Xiang re-out of the "rivers and lakes." He joined Zhang Shaojun led by the anti-black team and the new villain tostart dealing with the hands of the old friends and enemies, which makes Feng Xiang once dilemma. There are three years since the return of Hong Kong, gangs intend to take advantage of a big ticket. Feng Xiang in the investigation of a case of the disappearance of the leader, but found a century of Hong Kong triad history of the shaking big conspiracy.


The Last Cop

The Last Cop 2015


In 1985, when detective Kyogoku Kosuke (Karasawa Toshiaki) was hunting down some criminals, he suddenly found himself in the center of an explosion and ended up falling into a coma. In 2015, after 30 years Kosuke wakes up and has a lot to catch up, new values, technology, family, work, everything he has missed. Back to the Criminal Division, Kosuke and his new partner Ryota (Kubota Masataka) are entrusted with classified security data that aims to a terrorist group Schiesser.



Played 2013


The Covert Investigations Unit (CIU) risks going undercover to infiltrate and bring down criminal organizations. In this new style of short-term, high-intensity undercover work, each covert “play” is crafted quickly and executed at an even faster pace. Placed into various worlds of crime without a safety net, the cops are in constant danger, as they repeatedly go off the grid. Wearing wires, coaxing confessions, and setting up stings, the cops of the CIU must think quickly, talk smoothly, and rely on pure instinct. They slip in and out of characters so often that, sometimes, they lose track of who they really are.



Single-Handed 2007


Single-Handed is an Irish television drama series, first broadcast on RTÉ Television in 2007. Set and filmed in the west of Ireland, it focuses on the life of a member of the Garda Síochána, Sergeant Jack Driscoll. Three two-episode, single-story series aired one each on consecutive nights in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Series Four, consisting of three stories told over six episodes, began in RTÉ One November 2010. The series is partially inspired by garda corruption in County Donegal.