Olaf Pooley The Gamma People Penny and the Pownall Case The Iron Petticoat Naked Evil The Assassination Bureau The Turn of the Screw Highly Dangerous The Lost People The Huggetts Abroad Hell Is Sold Out Doctor Who: Inferno Top Secret Left Right and Centre Destiny of a Spy The Woman's Angle The Password Is Courage Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus Charlie Muffin Sink the Bismarck! Crucible of Horror The Tragedy of King Lear Crucible of Horror Lifeforce The Johnstown Monster Falcon's Gold The Godsend Star Trek: Voyager Scarecrow and Mrs. King Hill Street Blues Jason King Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman The Protectors Dixon of Dock Green Doomwatch Ghost Squad The Sandbaggers Special Branch The Zoo Gang Codename Fall of Eagles The Expert Sherlock Holmes Colonel March of Scotland Yard Deadline Midnight Maigret Detective Top Secret Paul Temple Doctor Who Doctor Who Dixon of Dock Green The Paradise Club MacGyver - klassikeren Doctor Who