Canal Sur
Colegio Mayor 1994
Arrayán 2001
Bandolero 2002
¡Qué buen puntito! 2011
El joven Picasso 1993
Flaman 2013
S.O.S Estudiantes 2004
Antonio Gala en Trece Noches 1991
A table, a blue light, two men, the night, and words were the only elements with which he wanted to attract the attention of the intelligent and sensitive viewer, tired of artifice and rubbish.
Taxi 2010
Yo soy del sur 2016
Se llama copla 2007
Andalucía es de cine 1970
La semana más larga 2010
La Mari 2003
Intimate story of love and sacrifice of an Andalusian immigrant lady in Catalonia from the 60's
Breton, the devil's gaze 2023
José Bretón killed his children, six-year-old Ruth and two-year-old José, on a small family farm on the outskirts of Córdoba, Spain. He built a bonfire fueled by liters of diesel and burned their little bodies with the idea of making them disappear forever. It was Saturday, October 8, 2011.