Jeremy Wilkin Thunderbird 6 Thunderbirds Are GO Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star Meetings with Remarkable Men Freefall: Flight 174 The Hallelujah Handshake Thunderbirds in Outer Space The Climb Beg! The Finishing Line Curse of the Fly Revenge of the Mysterons from Mars Captain Scarlet vs. The Mysterons Countdown to Disaster UFO From Earth to the Moon The Amazing Adventures Of Joe 90 Thunderbirds Softly, Softly Doctor Who Kessler Blake's 7 The Secret Service Joe 90 Dixon of Dock Green The New Avengers First Night Man in a Suitcase Undermind Dixon of Dock Green Blake's 7 The Hanged Man UFO The Protectors UFO Reilly: Ace of Spies Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service The Secret Service