José Gutiérrez Maesso Cthulhu Mansion Gunfight at Red Sands The Hellbenders Order to Kill Order to Kill Amore vuol dir gelosia Ricco The Ugly Ones Sucedió en Sevilla Order to Kill El alcalde de Zalamea The Savage Guns Tragic Ceremony The House of Exorcism Tragic Ceremony Django Scheherazade Scheherazade Hotel Fear Hotel Fear The Angel and the Beasts 3-Way Split Appointment in Beirut La ragazza dalla pelle di corallo Bootleggers L'uomo dai calzoni corti La vida alrededor Taxi Love - Servizio per signora 3-Way Split The Angel and the Beasts Father Jackleg Father Jackleg Lisa and the Devil The Two Faces of Fear The Ugly Ones El gran crucero El gran crucero Divine Words Martes y trece Martes y trece Casi jugando Balearic Caper Ricco Sucedió en Sevilla