Kinga Preis Back Then I Never Cry It's Me, the Thief The Collector The Dark House Such a Landscape Four Nights with Anna Symmetry Rose Feast of Fire Silence Poniedziałek Million Dollars The Mighty Angel Nie ten człowiek The Silent Twins Came the Uhlans Wrota Europy For a Moment, Forever True Life of Angels Louise's Garden Loneliness in the Net Extras Włatcy móch. Ćmoki, Czopki i Mondzioły In Darkness Mazurek Gods Suicide Room Tuesday Game On A Simple Story About Murder Once Again What the Sun Saw The Perfect Guy for My Girlfriend Joanna 53 Wars Plan B Łucja i jej dzieci Weekend Stories: Unwritten Law Karol: A Man Who Became Pope The Lure Scratch Ja to mam szczęście! Bez tajemnic Removals Ojciec Mateusz The Pact Kryminalni Boża podszewka. Część druga Blood for Blood The Return The Trap Instynkt Twarze i maski Our Century Little Grand Hotel Crack / System Ołowiane dzieci Gra z Cieniem