Taro Takahashi Flame of My Love 武蔵と小次郎 Kurama tengu: Aomen yasha Edo no yubae The Missing Heir Denshichi Torimonocho: Vampire Spider お役者小僧 江戸千両幟 大江戸出世双六 The Bride and the Treasure Denshichi Torimonocho: Female Fox Palanquin 花笠太鼓 The Blazing Sword Apostasy 続二等兵物語 決戦体制の巻 Nitōhei monogatari: Aa senyū no maki 続二等兵物語 南方孤島の巻 Private Second Class Battle of Roses Yotsuya Ghost Story Part 2 The Inner Palace Conspiracy Tsukigata Hanpeita Tange Sazen Pineapple Butai Pfc. Story - Behind the Enemy Lines Nitōhei monogatari: Shindara kami-sama no maki Pfc. Story - The Divine Tempest Nitōhei monogatari: Banji yōryō no maki Yotsuya Ghost Story Part 1 Trapped, the Crimson Bat Crimson Bat, the Blind Swordswoman Denshichi Torimonocho: The Case of the Golden Goddess Samurai from Nowhere Broken Drum