Tamás Major A Hungarian Nabob A helyseg kalapacsa Deliver Us from Evil Football of the Good Old Days Salamon & Stock Show Daniel Takes a Train The Corporal and the Others Trotta Aranyborjú Judgement Don't Pull My Beard! A Pianino in Mid-Air Gasoline Damage Mephisto The Murderer is in the House The Elephant Eternal Dance Bespectacled Moliére - A nők iskolája III. Richárd My First Two Hundred Years The Great Generation Cold Days Colonel Redl Alfa Romeo and Julia The Lion is Ready to Jump The Pendragon Legend Mocorgó There Was Once a Family A múmia közbeszól Fekete macska Changing Clouds Just a Movie Mrs. Dery Where Are You? Jaguar All Beginnings Are Hard A Strange Marriage Erkel And Then The Guy... Az ítélet Végül Dreams of Love Crime at Dawn Circus Maximus