Patrik Pašš Kamera Stanislav Doršic alebo Ze Záhorá cez Kolibu do svjeta Martin Slivka: The Man Who Planted Trees Sitting on a Branch, Enjoying Myself Nicky's Family Colette Jays in the Head Jánošík ’21 Čierna ovca Havária Scent of Oranges Cesta domov Ako sa Vinco zaťal Angel of Mercy „A“ ako Alžbeta Anonym Little from the Fish Shop Bathory: Countess of Blood Martin Slivka: The Man Who Planted Trees A Step Into the Dark Paper Heads Pasca Freckled Max and the Spooks The Millennial Bee Síla lidskosti - Nicholas Winton Hannah and Her Brothers The Feather Fairy Bye, Bye Harry Baščovanský a zať Kampf der Tiger Ilda Vycestovacia doložka pre Dubčeka Little Kingdom In the Shadow Healing Waters See You in Hell, Friends Agáva Tales from the Magic Garden Tales from the Magic Garden Čarovné jablko Bratislavské pondelky Bratislavské pondelky Bratislavské pondelky Bratislavské pondelky Bratislavské pondelky