Raam Soraya The Doll 3 Indigo 5 cm Eiffel... I'm in Love Calon Arang the Powerful Queen Single: Part 2 Pergaulan Metropolis Pergaulan Metropolis 2 The Haunted Hotel Single An Anthology of Feelings The Guys 308 The Doll The Doll 2 Si Manis Jembatan Ancol Argantara Tarot The Night of Kliwon Friday The Snake Queen's Wedding Sembilan Wali Santet How to Survive a Marriage? Suzanna: Kliwon Friday Night Wedding Night Mystery Hey, Cutie! Sumala Curse of the Seven Seas Suzzanna: Buried Alive Target Saya Suka Kamu Punya The Third Eye Mana Bisa Tahan Saya Duluan Dong Bisa Naik Bisa Turun The Third Eye 2 What Love Means Lady Terminator Dangerous Seductress Dangerous Seductress Jeritan Malam Rumah Kentang: The Beginning Mall Klender Sabar Dulu Dong...! Fatima Pencet Sana Pencet Sini Sunshine Becomes You No Rules Rules The Longer, The Better Sabrina Bagi-Bagi Dong I Can Hold It Long I Know You Want It Akibat Terlalu Bebas Up OK, Down OK Salah Masuk Hope God Loves You, Mom Supernova: The Knight, the Princess, & Shooting Star Pact with the Forces of Darkness The Age of Turmoil Mystery of the Forbidden Game Eiffel... I'm in Love 2 Depan Bisa Belakang Bisa Lupa Aturan Main Masuk Kena Keluar Kena Poison Sangga: The Homewrecker's Curse The Haunted Apartment