Kaspars Znotiņš 24 Hr Sunshine Wild East The Good Neighbor Latavio, or Life Nr. 2 Bitter Wine Dzejnieks un Auķis Let's Start From the Beginning How Shammies Tidied Up Kā Lupatiņi slēpās How Shammies Built a House Kā Lupatiņi veseļojās Gūtenmorgens un Jāņi The White Helicopter Nr. 105555 The Return of Sergeant Lapins Firstborn Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness Homo Novus Still River Dawn of War The Mystery of the Old Parish House My Favorite War Before The Day Breaks Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs The Hunt Gutenmorgen and the Third Eye My Love Affair with Marriage Pansion in the Mansion Likteņa Līdumnieki Agency