Ghislain Cloquet Nathalie Granger La famille Question de temps: Une heure avec Woody Allen Mouchette The Fire Within Donkey Skin Appointment in Bray Nathalie Granger Tess Love and Death The Big Risk Belle Josef von Sternberg, A Retrospective Passionate Summer Faustine and the Beautiful Summer The Edifying and Joyous Story of Colinot Saint-Tropez, devoirs de vacances Jaune, Le Soleil Mickey One A Girl in a Pocket Statues Also Die Statues Also Die La Décharge The Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short Vive Le Tour Le Trou Pantomimes The Mystery of Workshop 15 Au Hasard Balthazar Far from Vietnam Marry Me! Marry Me! One Night... a Train The Diary of an Innocent Boy A Gentle Woman The House of the Bories At the Meeting with Joyous Death Woman of the Ganges Say it with Flowers I Sent a Letter to My Love A Man Named Rocca The American Beauty The Honors of War Le Bel Âge The Secret Life of Plants Description of a Struggle The Adventures of Arsène Lupin Four Friends Monsieur Albert All the World's Memory The Chicken The Young Girls of Rochefort Night and Fog The Butcher, the Star and the Orphan Aux frontières de l'Homme Behind the Screen