Atsuyuki Shimoda Loft A Blue Automobile Human Scramble: Road Human Scramble: Rain Human Scramble: Delinquent Real Life Back Then Séance License to Live Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself: The Gamble Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself: The Loot French Dressing Eyes of the Spider The Revenge: A Scar That Never Disappears Serpent's Path The Revenge: A Visit from Fate Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself!! The Heist Cure I Just Wanna Hug You Another Resurrection Father of the Milky Way Railroad Tug of War! Let's Go, Jets! Stolen Identity Pulse Charisma Labyrinth of Dreams Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself: The Hero Museum Doppelganger Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself!! The Escape Cells at Work! Seraphim Night