Marcell Jankovics Jankovicsok A Country Divided Dreams on Wings Song of the Miraculous Hind Johnny Corncob Son of the White Mare Inauguration Song of the Miraculous Hind Sisyphus Johnny Corncob The Struggle The Struggle The Tragedy of Man The Tragedy of Man Inauguration Gustavus Is Cheating Gustavus and Alienation Gustavus: The Fellow-Man Toldi Gusztáv 2. Gusztáv 2. Son of the White Mare Hungarian Tales: The Princess' Shoes Honeymation Arcmás - Imago Arcmás - Imago Arcmás - Imago Magyar népmesék - A só The Diligent Girl and the Lazy Girl One-Eyed, Two-Eyed, Three-Eyed 1,2,3… The History of Numbers Prometheus Prometheus The Genesis Mattie the Goose-Boy Johnny Corncob Deep Waters