Argyris Lazaridis A Hail of Bullets Mideia 70 Your eyelids shine The Reason Why A Foolish Love The Tie Ο κλοιός Singapore Sling Alexander the Great Listen... Rich Without Money Νυμφίος ανύμφευτος Ο Αχαΐρευτος Get Up, Dance Sirtaki Ήταν Όλοι Τους... Κορόιδα! Koutroulis` Wedding Τα Καμάκια A Bouzouki Different from the Others Anakatosouras Ησαΐα χόρευε Electricity... Water... Telephone, Plots with Installments Η Ζαβολιάρα Ο κούκλος A mistake in love Girl With the Suitcases See You in Hell, My Darling I Loved a Pontian Και Ο Πρώτος Ματάκιας Roads and Oranges The Little Dolphins