Petra Martínez Bad Education Close Your Eyes To Hell With The Ugly Solitary Fragments Sleep Tight Love Is Not What It Used to Be Todas las mujeres Born to Suffer El trasplante Fish People Hablar Libre directo Sidetracked Allanamiento de morada Palm Trees in the Snow Harta La princesa Paca The Night of the Sunflowers Petra School of Seduction Raiz And They Lived Happily Ever After El Barco Pirata Zumo de limón Nadie conoce a nadie That Was Life Polar Sin cobertura Break a Leg La que se avecina Love in Difficult Times Los misterios de Laura Toledo, cruce de destinos La princesa de Éboli Carmina Estirando el Chicle Stories to Stay Awake Todas las Mujeres Alpha Males