Dušan Trančík The Joke Milan Čorba The Curator of Outdoor Museum The Garden Amulet Fénix Concert for the survivors Pavilón šeliem Vrcholky stromov Víkend za milión Šibenice Štvrtý rozmer Všední den The Winner Interview v metelici Šibenica Šibenica Šibenica Šibenica Oblaky = modriny Cesta domov Seven in One Fell Swoop Seven in One Fell Swoop Amulet Amulet Tryzna Concert for the survivors Concert for the survivors The Winner When the Stars Were Red When the Stars Were Red Mikula and Mikulka Another Love Another Love The Winner The Photography of Inhabitants of One House Fénix Fénix Pavilón šeliem Pavilón šeliem Svetlé miesto Svetlé miesto the story of the seven masters of the cloth guild