Talaat Zakaria Okal Ihna Ashab Almatar Dad Brought Banana The Person The Red Notebook Bakhit and Adeela 2 Lady Sukkar Kahyoun Won the Million Her Divorce Lawyer The Yacoubian Building Haha we Tofaha Harim Karim The Following Statement Came To Us Romantic Sayed The Dove Hunter مسرحية أهلا بكم في السجن مسرحية مسافرة وجت على غفلة إيه اللي حصل في شهر العسل العصمة في ايد حماتي Open your eyes 4G Juliet's Pants وبعدين بعد الخميس What's Going on? أنا ومراتي ومونيكا Why Did You Make Me Love You? Abo Aly A Natural Born Fool The Villainous Returns Super Henedi The Bogeyman The Best is Yet to Come Wellness Millionaire El Fil Fel Mandil El-Mishakhasaty Talk To Mum عائلة الفك المفترس Bonne Soirée Halimo, Legend of the Beaches Talking About Love The President's Chef The Average White Man Thieves in Thailand Inner City Story shajie alsiyama The Danish Experience Thieves in KG2 Auntie Faransa Watch Out For Your Face Never Crossed My Mind Mr. Abu Al-Araby Arrived Akhenaten Fi Marrakesh Bahlool Fe Istanbul Rasmy, Fahmy, Nazmy Do Re Me Beans Dress up Al-Dababeer Let Me Sing Abu-Khatwah El Barashot El Fil Fel Mandil Azmy & Ashgan Stories of Mr. Ayoub and Mrs. Inayat Stray Light Zohra and Her Five Husbands Super Henedy Live Your Days The Oracle The Foul Wind One Thousand and One Nights: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Abo El-Ela 90 Mercury Abo El-Ela 90 Alseera AlAshouria: AlHarafeesh النوّة Mabrouk, You Have A Problem عباسية واحد رحلة أبو الوفا ألف ليلة وليلة: علي بابا والأربعين حرامي ألف ليلة وليلة: علي بابا والأربعين حرامي