Yan Frenkel The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers I Am Returning Your Portrait Short Stories Отклонение - ноль New Girl The Cock and Boyar Men's Talk The Ascent Kysh and TwoBriefcases Flight Is Postponed The Uninvited Friend Road of Truth Двое в пути Man and Women Passing Through Moscow The Boy from 5B Because I Love The City of Brides Войникът от обоза Incorrigible Liar Comrade Nikanorova Awaits You We Didn't Learn This Birthday The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers The Day Ahead Two Stories The Brave Tin Soldier How Masha Quarrelled with a Pillow Hello, Atom! Сегодня день рождения The Alarm Clock Grandma's Umbrella Tale About Another's Paint Crown of Russian Empire, or the Elusives Again Masha Is Not Lazy Anymore Cucumber Horse Как уходили кумиры Как уходили кумиры Как уходили кумиры