Nina Klimova Penguins Tale After Tale Winnie-the-Pooh In the World of the Fables Treasures of the Sunken Ships Armoire Umka The Little Jackal and the Little Camel Грибок-теремок Plus Electrification Dragonfly and Ant Murzilka and the Giant Слово о хлебе Винтик и Шпунтик – веселые мастера The Snow Queen Tails Жёлтик One, Two, Altogether! Hello, Atom! Daughter of the Sun It Happened in Winter The Patty A Bragging Ant The Monster Cockroach A Hot Stone At the Crossroads The Adventures of the Young Pioneers First Time in the Circus Arena Old Man Tumbleweed Vasilyok Мы ищем кляксу