Dandy Fauzan DI BALIK MALAM Liburan Diam-Diam Dear to Me Iya Iya Iya Iya A Daughter's Lullaby A Daughter's Lullaby Sunrise in the Forest Please Be Quiet Please Be Quiet Udin's Inferno After The Funeral Closeting A Sonorous Melody Happy New Year DI BALIK MALAM Film Ikan Pari (Dunia Tanpa Hoax) Film Ikan Pari (Dunia Tanpa Hoax) In the Words of Firman In the Words of Firman Passing NGGAK!!! Samu The Terrible and His Sin Samu The Terrible and His Sin Hear the Ping Pong Sing Under the Whether Under the Whether Little Rebels Cinema Club Makwan City of Dreams - The Silvermen Serves and Bounces Traces of My Brother Pencatat Rindu Yang Datang di Tengah Malam