Mykola Bondar The Fox and the Ouzel What Resembles What Warm Bread Tale About Greed Hunting Season Jump To The Cloud The Grus Eneida Страшный, серый, лохматый Dandelion the Puffy Cheeks How Petryk Pyatochkin Counted Little Elephants How the Cossacks Played Football And You, Friends, Wherever You Sit… Desperate Cat Vaska In The Bird World A Terrible Vengeance Bohdanchyk and the Drum How the Cossacks Celebrated Wedding How the Cossacks Rescued Brides How the Cossacks Became Olympians How the Cossacks Helped Musketeers How the Cossacks Met Aliens Adventures of Captain Vrungel Adventures of Captain Vrungel Three from Pankivka Sun Loaf Kotyhoroshko The Tale of Ihor's Campaign Unwittingly Around The World Beware — the Nerves! The Story Of The Girl Who Stepped On Bread Magic Glasses Gavroche Confusion A Parcel From Bombay The Man with the Childlike Accent