René Guissart The White Sheik Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ Toi, c'est moi L'École des contribuables A Man Has Been Stolen Ménilmontant The County Fair Fighting Odds Seven Men, One Woman Seven Men, One Woman Ambition The Hate Ship Sweet Devil Love and Hate Daddy's Girl The Bohemian Girl The Path of Honor Bourrachon Visages de femmes Chu-Chin-Chow Raise the Roof The W Plan Adam's Apple The American Prisoner Ladies Hairdresser Ladies Hairdresser Alexis gentleman chauffeur À nous deux, madame la vie Speak to Me of Love Les Sœurs Hortensia Dora Nelson Midnight Prince Primerose The Premature Father Je te confie ma femme Passionately My Heart Hesitates The Improvised Son Luck Rien que la vérité The Hen You Will Be a Duchess Un homme en habit Ah ! Quelle gare ! The Pearl Dédé The Life Line The Nipper Tropical Nights The Compulsory Husband Woman Victory While Paris Sleeps Land of Hope and Glory Paradise Daughter of the Regiment Leave The Kitchen! Wanted, A Mother Sister Against Sister The Unwelcome Mother Le secret du docteur Harriet and the Piper Little Women