Pietro Martellanza Tears of Kali Momo War Between the Planets The Bloody Judge Forgotten Pistolero Ringo: The Lone Rider The Cobra Death Walks at Midnight This Man Can't Die The Unholy Four Fury of Johnny Kid Date for a Murder His Name Was Pot, but They Called Him Allegria Lola Colt God Made Them... I Kill Them The Long Day of the Massacre May God Forgive You... But I Won't Safari Express Melancholie der Engel Patience Has a Limit, We Don't Die Stoßburg Killer Barbys vs. Dracula Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose 2: Zwei Kumpel auf der Alm Two Crosses in Danger Pass The Violent Four Desert of Fire On the Threshold to Another World In Pursuit of Barbara Debris Documentar The French Sex Murders My Name Is Pecos Street People Possibility Zero Laß jucken, Kumpel III. Teil - Maloche, Bier + Bett Mission Phantom Savage Guns The Tough and the Mighty Masks