Yurii Mazhuha За всё в ответе Город с утра до полуночи Второе рождение Убить «Шакала» In That Region of Heaven… Lessons at the End of Spring Kogda payut solovy Evenings on a Farm Near Dykanka A Strip of Uncut Wild Flowers The Holy Family Istanbul Transit Hunt for the Cossack's Gold To Dream and to Live Can-Can in English Park Cossacks Approaching Быть братом Coast Warning Mirgorod and Its Inhabitants A Spring for the Thirsty Катя-Катюша Out of Boredom Soft-Boiled Boots Pravda Proceed to the investigation. Film 1: Version Рассказы о Кешке и его друзьях A Strange Woman Born of the Storm The City Turns the Lights On Braking in the Heavens Fufel Ravines Difficult Floors Подпольный обком действует