Senji Itô Late Spring Spring of Korean Peninsula Early Summer The Only Son A Man of the Arts The Masseurs and a Woman Osaka Woman What Did the Lady Forget? Flame of My Love Numazu Officer School Beyond the Hills Garden of Victory Fallen Blossoms Itahachi shima Tomodachi 娘十八嘘つき時代 Donguri and Shinomi Tomorrow There Will Be Fine Weather The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum A Hen in the Wind Seiryū no dōkutsu Jagā no me Introspection Tower Ishimatsu of the Forest Children of the Beehive Ghost Stories of Wanderer at Honjo Notes of an Itinerant Performer Nobuko kyôfu no kâbin jû 北上川の詩 Weeds with flowers Forget Love for Now Renai muteki kantai 白頭巾現わる Children in the Wind Record of a Woman Doctor Family Diary Tuition Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family Children of the Beehive: What Happened Next Children of the Great Buddha A Star Athlete Let's Go in Good Spirits