Scarfies 1999
This dark comedy is set in Dunedin, New Zealand. A university student finds an old "abandoned" house and proceeds to invite other students to share. It even has running electricity. But what is the catch?
This dark comedy is set in Dunedin, New Zealand. A university student finds an old "abandoned" house and proceeds to invite other students to share. It even has running electricity. But what is the catch?
A man hunts a vampire who, a decade prior, slew his wife and abducted his daughter.
Ted is a depraved serial killer...until he meets Leah. Then he becomes a real monster. Together the two of them go on a bloody, murder-happy rampage of unparalleled brutality, stalking then slaughtering their victims with a bone-chilling psychotic intensity!
Julia goes to a movie to cheer herself up. She arrives late and is given a seat in the middle of the row. But surrounding her are the theatre's most distracting patrons!