
Tetris 2023


Film na podstawie prawdziwej historii amerykańskiego sprzedawcy gier wideo Henka Rogersa, który w 1988 r. odkrył Tetris. Gdy Henk próbuje zaprezentować swoją grę na świecie, zderza się z niebezpiecznymi kłamstwami i korupcją po drugiej stronie żelaznej kurtyny.


TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard

TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard 2013


Film dokumentalny o najpopularniejszym serwisie torrentowym The Pirate Bay, który w ciągu ostatniej dekady stał się swoistym symbolem piractwa w Internecie, oraz jego żywym manifestem.


Fighting Perry and Winfrey In A Court of Law

Fighting Perry and Winfrey In A Court of Law 2023


A Docu-series of events of two prose litigants Terri and William that go toe to toe with Hollywood moguls, Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey over U.S. Copyrighted works that span over a decade evolved into a Civil RICO case April (2017). Season 1 is available on Prime Video and is 6 episodes 62 min each and has a Season 2 in postproduction.


The Creativity Delusion

The Creativity Delusion 2018


A 3-chapter documentary about the stories we tell ourselves around creativity. Using a plethora of studies from anthropology, psychology and neuroscience, the film tries to demystify the way we use our brains to create, to make art and science. The products of our minds are extraordinary, but the process in which they are brought about are in fact, quite ordinary. Shakespeare copied. Mozart copied. Picasso copied too. But we're still obsessed with originality. We're living in the most creative time in humanity's existence, so maybe it's time to rethink our preconceptions about creativity.